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In Defense of the Easter Bunny


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

How are my favorite addicted Tappers doing today?  Busy zapping and tapping those bunnies?  Collecting all the eggs you can get your hands on?  Working your way through the main questline to earn those extra eggs?  Remember, you can find all the great tips and tricks we’ve posted about the event on our Easter Page.

So here we are day 3 of the Easter Event and from what we’ve been seeing in the comments most of you are loving this update!  Of course there are a few negative nellies in the bunch, when isn’t there?  But for the most part, so far, many of you are enjoying this update!

And I say…what’s not to love?  Lots of free prizes to earn, hilarious dialogue, characters we’ve ALL been asking for and FREE donuts!

I’m seriously loving this update and choose to remain positive about the twists and turns that are in store for us during the next 25 days!  In fact I’m enjoying this update so much it’s inspired me to do something I don’t normally do around here….and that’s give my opinion.

So sit back, relax and let me tell you why I choose to enjoy this update…


Let’s start with the basics of game play…

The Dialogue
This update contains some of the funniest dialogue I’ve seen in this game.  The writers are constantly poking fun at the game, themselves and US!  Not to mention those people who don’t know how to turn off the “Sent From my Phone” message on their cell phone email!  Seriously, take the time to read the dialogue that pops up during each new quest, it’ll make you giggle!  And if it doesn’t…well then you might have bigger issues than trying to collect all of the Eggs in this event!

That New Players Can Play it And Have Fun
One of the common complaints I hear about events like this is that, nothing costs in game cash.  You either have to win everything or use donuts.  But many of those complaints come from players at Level 39.  Long time Tappers with a large bank of in game cash.  However, those Tappers tend to forget about the newer players….those below Level 39.  Heck those below Level 25.

This update unlocks for EVERYONE Level 5 and up.  That means you have a wide range of Tappers playing this game from those just starting out and may only have $1000, or less, in their in game bank and those, like me, who have been playing for well over a year and have an in game bank of millions.  The Easter Event puts NO ONE at an advantage.  Every player is treated the same when it comes to how you win prizes.  And I love that!

Try to remember what it was like when you first started playing.  How hard it was for you to earn money to move onto the next building.  Now imagine if you threw a limited-time event in the mix and had to spend any and all money you earned on the event, not on moving forward in the game.  Or if you didn’t have enough money to get the items from the event.  How disappointed would you be?  Would you still be playing today if that happened to you?

The answer is most likely you wouldn’t be.  You’d get frustrated and give up.  So just remember, next time you complain about how an Event doesn’t have many things you can “buy” with in-game cash…there’s someone at a lower level grateful that they don’t have to use their in-game cash to buy things for the event.  It’s hard enough to buy what you’ll need for the levels!

Level Updates are for older, experienced players with large bank accounts….Events are for ALL Tappers.  And I love that about this event!

The Bunnies
Oh those Bunnies!  They’re EVERYWHERE and soooo much better to look at than those snakes from last year!  I love how you can earn more than 1 egg from a bunny, how quickly they come back in your town, how you can earn more through Cletus’s Farm AND that Bunny Zapper!  That Zapper is just so much fun to work and seriously saves a ton of time when search for those little critters!  They like to hide behind bushes and buildings…but hey they are bunnies!

Friend Points STILL Work
Not every Tapper has maxed out their Friend Points yet and I LOVE that this update keeps that element in the game still.  So not only do you earn eggs from your neighbors but you’ll also continue to earn FP’s (if you haven’t maxed out), which means you can continue to progress and earn the social prizes, while going through this update.

FREE Donuts
I LOVE how they included an option to get something out of all those fences you’ll get from the boxes.  Sooo many people complained about the useless items on the Valentine’s Day Wheel, especially the fences.  So EA did something about it.  Not only do they poke fun of the fact that the fences are “useless” (although I know many of you are loving them, and including them in many of your designs around Springfield!), they’re giving you 15 donuts for earning them!
Now I know there are some out there that well…like to call me out by name on other blogs, that don’t appreciate the fact that you can earn 15 FREE donuts for getting fences.  That the time spent isn’t worth the “$0.60 in donuts”.  Well to those people I say…shove another bran muffin in your mouth grandpa and shut up!

You complain when EA doesn’t give you Free Donuts, you complain when they give you 2, 3 or 5 free donuts and now…oh this takes the cake….you complain when they give you 15 FREE DONUTS?!  Are you out of your ever loving mind?!  Has dementia started to kick in for you?

This is, to date, the most amount of donuts given away in this game for doing 1 task.  And in all honesty, you don’t have to really do anything extra.  You’re ALREADY going to play the update.  You’re ALREADY going to try the prize boxes.  And you’re more than likely going to win those fences…so why not at least get free donuts out of the deal?  If you’re honestly going to complain that it’s not worth your time…then don’t do it. And leave the free donuts to those of us who don’t spend $10 on golf balls every time we tee off!

Oh and btw…to that blogger that likes to call me out by name…THANKS!!…it just sends more people to our happy little blog. As for being optimistic and happy that a company, that doesn’t owe freemium players anything, gives us those “$0.60 worth of donuts”…I’ll keep drinking the water over here.  Because last time I checked you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar!

Now back to more pleasant things…

The Easter Prize Boxes
I really love how the prizes are broken up into different boxes.  This element allows you to stop playing 1 box once you’ve collected all of the prizes that you want from it, and then you can focus on the other 2 boxes.  And each box has different odds and variables.  It’s a neat little concept & one that I know will save many of us a lot of time and aggravation!
I also love how when you clear a unique prize from a box, it’s replaced by Eggs and not by more fences or in game cash!  Eggs we can use…$1,000 won’t help us out so much with this update!

The Egg Swap
This is a neat feature, one that I both love and hate about this update.  I love it because it encourages interaction with your neighbors, much like leaving them snake eggs last year, but I hate it because the baskets are 1 time use.  And while you can win them for free, many of you are spending donuts on them.  It would be great if you could just exchange eggs with your neighbor without the basket hoopla.  But I do like the concept of this…execution is just flawed.

Now onto the free stuff with this event…

I love the buildings included with this update.  The design of Banana Dictatorship has got to be one of my favorites in the game!  I love that the buildings (sadly except the BD) have character tasks assigned to them, that makes them all the better.  It’s always great when a building gets used & doesn’t just sit in town!

I’m also loving that both Johnny Fiestas and Banana Dictatorship can go onto Squidport OR in Springfield.  It’s nice to have the option to decide where it can go, unlike previous buildings where they were for one place or the other.  I like that these can make to the boardwalk or downtown Springfield, really helps to create some unique designs (and I can’t wait to see what you guys design!)

Fr. Sean (has a full task list AND questline when unlocked) has got to be my favorite character in this game!  His animations are hilarious and his questline…seriously had me laughing so much that my husband had to ask what was wrong with me.  I’m loving the fact that a Catholic made it into the game…although he does make me feel guilty for missing mass a few times!  Oh that Catholic guilt!  Where’s the confessional when I need it…

Shary Bobbins (has a full task list AND questline when unlocked) has made it into the game!  FINALLY! One of my favorite characters from The Simpsons, so glad she used that grey magic to come back!  Not only that..she flys, how cool is that?!

Hugs Bunny! (has a full task list AND questline when unlocked)  Oh man, I didn’t think I would love him as much as I do.  He was the second prize I unlocked on my “B” game in the Gold Box and I just giggled the entire time.  He has one of the best animations in the game when he fights Homer.  I just make him do that task over and over and over again.  Nothing says fun like watching a man in a giant Bunny costume beat up Homer Simpson right?
I am a little disappointed with the Non-Playable Characters (NPCs), but with every update we get some of those funny guys roaming the streets of our Springfields!  The Egg Council Guy does make me laugh whenever you tap him and he falls down…and can’t get up.  Always good for a giggle.  And Bunny 24601 does fly when tapped, so that’s neat.  But ultimately they are NPCs who will just walk around and get in the way from time to time (although I still laugh when I accidentally hit the Frog Prince and make him barf!)

The Duration of the Event
Pretty happy with how long this should take many of us.  It gives everyone something to do in their Springfield continuously.  So, no more complaining about 24 and 48 hour tasks where there’s no reason to login to your game.  THIS update gives you plenty of reason to check in on your Springfield frequently!

And finally…

Reader Response
You guys have been AWESOME during this event.  We LOVE seeing your comments and you provide us (and each other) with many laughs and giggles along the way.  The way you guys are loving and enjoying this update just makes me love it even more!

Since this update hit we have fielded over 4,500 of YOUR comments.  That’s in THREE days!  That tells me something about this update.  That tells me you guys are involved in what’s going on, you’re engaging in the event and you’re still tap tap tapping away!

You guys are seriously amazing and we LOVE hearing from you…good and bad…and helping you in any/every way we can!

I know the objective of this update can be a bit daunting at times, and feel like many of the goals are unreachable, but I choose to stay positive.  Why?  Because it’s a game.  Games are supposed to be fun.  And…if memory serves me correctly….in every game there are winners and losers.  But just because you lose a game doesn’t mean you never play it again, does it?  If you’re truly of the mentality of “taking your toys and going home” because you’re not winning everything…then you’re, unfortunately, a sore loser and you’ll always be one.

Over a year ago during Whacking Day I didn’t win all of the prizes…heck I didn’t even come close…but here I am 1 year later still Tapping.  Why?  Because it’s a game, one that I love playing with or without all of the prizes.

What are YOUR thoughts/opinions on the event?  What do you like about it?  What do you hate?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

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