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No other word for it but Déjà vu… July 4th items in the WDTCF archives


What’s up Tappers?  Seriously… does anyone else know a series of words to describe Déjà vu?  It’s a hard one to define any other way.

The July 4th update has come into our games and with it some really cool stuff. Add to that the return of previous items coveted by some and it’s a pretty fun affair for all.  Here at Team Awesome Sauce, we always love providing you with up-to-date content and info about all the buildings, characters and decorations.  What’s even better is when we’ve actually done this before an update even drops.  I dug through the vaults (lots of fur and cheetos dust in there btw) and figured rather than rehashing previous posts, I could just share posts you may or may not have seen.  Sound like a good idea?

So something must have changed in the Matrix because I know I’ve seen these items on the site before.  Quite possible I remember both because I wrote them lol.

Way back in November when we were just a baby site, I wrote a post I had a lot of fun doing about one of my favorite US Presidents, the one and only Abraham Lincoln.  Since then, he’s been brought back not once but twice.  Just gotta say I think he’s well worth the 150 donut price tag but admit to being biased.

I also wrote about Rex Banner this March.  Admittedly it was a post for my sister as he’s from her fave Simpsons episode but I always hoped they’d bring Rex back for newer tappers and now he is.  Seems he’s turned away from hunting down illegal hooch to investigating fireworks but I don’t care.  I have to come clean and admit I often make him interrogate Stupid Flanders.

Well, that’s about it.  Hope you enjoy the old posts and that they stand the test of time.  Stay classy as usual… TTFN… Wookiee out!

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