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Where Did THAT Come From: Bulldozer-saurus, Hover-Copter, and Rigellian Queen & Shrub


In our silly lil game, we sometimes see things pop in that we have no clue as to their Origin. They seem familiar, but we just can’t pinpoint from where. So that is why we decided to make a fun lil reminder out of it. To let you know just Where did THAT Come From?


This post I will be going over the Origin of the Bulldozer-saurus, Hover-Copter, and Rigellian Queen & Shrub. Why are they now in our game? Did they actually appear in an episode? What do they do? Let’s dive into the Simpsons TV Series to find out more.

Season 23, Episode 3: THOH XXII (In the Na’vi) 
This last part of the Halloween episode is a parody of James Cameron’s Avatar. A crazy Krusty wants them to locate Hilarium, as just a lil bit will make people laugh at anything…so he needs some right away. Bart is one of the “volunteers” that has transported his mind into the body of a Rigellian. He ends up being rescued by a Female Rigellian. While Rigellian Milhouse is pouting, you can see the Rigellian flowers that make up part of the Rigellian Shrub. It seems more a mix of the plant life than one item. Some of them show a lil earlier too while Rigellian Bart is trying to bond with one of the bird type creatures.

Bart later ends up hooking up with the Rigellian Female and impregnating her. She is now pregnant with millions of lil Rigellians and will become moody and intolerable. So he has to seek out some Hilarium to give to her. Without it she will become intolerable. Along with Rigellian Milhouse and a few other Rigellians, they locate the Hilarium on top of a mountainous area. The Hilarium is coming out of the Sacred Secretions of the Rigellian Queens mouth. EWWWWWWW. Lol.

Rigellian Milhouse calls in to base camp for the army to lock on his signal and destroy them. Hover-Copters are flown in to fire on the Rigellians along with all sorts of heavy machinery.

The animals of the land join in on the fight back. (Including some giant bunnies. Lol.) Even a lil baby Bulldozer-saurus tries to get in on the action, but the Colonel puts on a BIGGER suit, so the baby joins its Mother to battle.

So there you have 4 of the new items added to your game during the Halloween event  and all 4 from a Treehouse of Horror Special. What do you think of them? Can’t wait to see that the Queen does in the next phase? Win any Rigellian Shrubs from Trick or Treat bags yet? Where are you on your Ray Gun collection? Let us know.


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