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Happy New Year from the Addicts!


Hey Howdy Hey New Year’s Party Animals!

Well it’s officially midnight here on the east coast and that means….hello 2015!! Are any of our favorite Tappers still sober?!  Are we?!  😉

As with all major holidays around here we thought it’d be fun to take a look into our personal lives and share with our favorite Addicts our resolutions for 2015!  Hey maybe this will force us to all stick to them!  (you can check out our resolutions from 2014 and see if we stuck to them here)

So here goes…first up Wookiee’s plans for 2015:

Wow… another year gone by.  They go so fast.  One of my friends has a theory that they go faster in areas with great weather so maybe that’s why since I live in beautiful Southern California?  2015 is the year of the new Star Wars and Jurassic Park movies so there’s that bonus.  Can you resolve to make the weather warmer?
People make resolutions every year to be better and some succeed while others fail.  I find it much more productive to resolve to be a better something year round.  Endeavoring to be better is admirable.  Lose weight if you want to, stop smoking, drink less, love more.go to Finland… just DO IT!  If you backslide, who cares?  Try and try again.  Maybe January 1st should officially be declared something like an unbirthday so we can make resolutions every day.  How about Happy New Day?
I’m rambling because I don’t like New Year’s resolutions.  I said the same thing last year and gave you definitions of the word resolution lol.  I honestly considered just copy and pasting the whole blurb.  I hate to see people set themselves up for failure.  Maybe we should all resolve to not resolve?  Damn the ssytem… up with the people lol.
Anywho… Every year I always promise to remember the people I love that love me in return.  Daily I strive to be the best me I can be and I think that’s what matters.  Resolute… I choose to be me and love those who like whatever that is. My Wookieemama always says to resolve to get to the things that you talked about last year that you were supposed to do the previous that were written about before and talked about even earlier.  Sometimes she’s deep and funny like that.
So here’s my resolution… I will be a better something.  Much love and I hope 2015 is even better than 2014.  Good luck with all your resolutions and know I love ya all even if you resolve again the next year.
TTFN… Wookiee out!

Now let’s see what Bunny has to say for 2015…
Bunny hopping on by here to take some reservations from Readers for the New Years. Huh? Wait? WHAT??!! OH!! MAKE SOME RESOLUTIONS!! That makes a LOT more sense. 
Got it. Well, since these “Resolutions” are basically “dreams” that just ain’t gonna happen, So… why not have a lil fun with it. Now if THESE come true…well that’ll be ONE HECK OF A YEAR. Let’s mix in some fun and some possibilities. WHY NOT??!!
#1: Get 10 Kisses from Cute Guys from the U.K. (They GOTTA be taller than me. They GOTTA have a cool accent. A girl can dream, right?) 
#2: Go for a ride in the T.A.R.D.I.S. (Cuz Timey Whimey Travel is cool.)
#3: Explore Ireland, Scotland, New Zeland. (Because it seems like some beautiful country there.)  
#4: Meet at least 100 New people in person. (I get nervous as heck in public, you wouldn’t know it…but I do. So I challenge myself.)
#5: Get 50 Letters written to me. (Because, why not. NO ONE writes letters anymore. So much more personal, but a forgotten trait.)
#6: Do stuff. (Stuff is important)
#7: Lose Weight. (Gotta have that one there.) 
#8: Get new glasses and contacts. (More a reminder to me. Lol.) 
#9: Donate more time. (I love working with Charities)
#10: Donate more money. (I just never feel like I gave enough. Always wish I had more so I could give more.) 
I think that is a good set there, don’t you? Have a fantastic New Year Everyone. You KNOW how much I adore you all. 🙂 

 So I guess it’s my turn huh?
Like Wookiee I hate making resolutions.  Mostly because I never stick to them…but if I make the others do it I’ve gotta do one too right?  So here goes….
Last year I “resolved”, among other things, to lighten up a bit and share more of my cheesy side with you guys.  And I think (and of course you guys can let me know) I did pretty good at sticking to it.  But there’s always room for improvement…so this year I “resolve”: 
-To get better at time management.  With two blogs, a full time job & a husband I’ve got a lot of “balls in the air” at any given time.  Some retooling and organizing of my time is better for everyone (especially me!) 
-To let a lot of the “little stuff” go. 2014 saw a lot of drama behind the scenes and as the year moved on it got better.  So here’s hoping we’ll continue on that drama free path in 2015…
-To go to the gym more.  Time management comes into play here too.  I’ve had a gym membership for the last several months but I’ve barely had the time to go.  Time to start making the time…. 
-To spend more time with my two favorite nuts…Bunny & Wookiee.  And meet more of YOU in 2015!!
2014 has truly been an amazing year for us and we can’t wait to see what 2015 has in store!  We also can’t wait to share with all of you the great plans we have in store for the coming year!  (SPOILER ALERT: it includes completing one of my resolutions, MORE contests & some other things you guys have been requesting for a long time!)
We hope you all have a phenomenal New Year & where ever you are tonight get home safe!
Cheers to a great 2015 filled with love, laughter, tapping & FREE DONUTS!!
How did YOU spend your last bit of 2014?  How did you ring in 2015?  What are your resolutions for the New Year?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!
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