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Where Did THAT Come From – Book Burning Mobile


What’s the haps amigos? Wookiee popping in for even more origin goodness for all my favorite skyfingers. You know, just when you think a game is busy enough with superheroes, vigilantes, villains and criminals, EA decides we need even more goodness and drops Level 50 in our games. Of course, a new level means new stuff and that’s where I come in. Here’s a small hint… all the items have something to do with the Lovejoys. Surprised? I must admit a playful side of me wants to leave it at ust that but you know I’d never leave you hanging. For this round of where did THAT come from, we’ll take a look at the Book Burning Mobile.

So for $200,000, this freemium item can be added into your game but what the heck does it have to do with the Best. Show. Ever. Well my friends, like I said before, the items from Level 50 are all Lovejoy themed and the Book Burning Mobile is no different. Let’s take a gander at “They Saved Lisa’s Brain” (S10:E22).

This is the Lisa joins Mensa and for a hot minute rules Springfield episode but like most Simpsons episodes, there’s always more. In the episode, Lisa is aghast at the low-fat pudding antics of Springfield’s residents. She writes a letter to the town outlining how they have 8 malls and no symphony, 32 bars but no alternative theater and 13 stores that start with “Le Sex”. “Doesn’t anyone in this town read?”

Right on cue Reverend Lovejoy pops by with his Book Mobile. Lisa recommends anything by Jane Austen to the Reverend who pulls away to reveal that he’s actually driving a Book Burning Mobile. It’s gags like this that really make me love The Simpsons and I love that our new decoration hides the “Burning” letters just like the episode unless you tap it. Way too cool.

That’s it for this item. Hopefully you like it. As an added bonus, this vehicle is a high XP yield item so it uld definitely help out with farming for donuts. Check out this post to see what I mean. Keep on tapping in the free world and do yourself a favor, read that book by Jane before you burn it. I recommend Pride & Prejudice & Zombies lol.

TTFN… Wookiee out!

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