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Today’s Lunch Special: Level 52! (Updated and Complete)


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Looks like Level 52 has just hit our tapping devices!  Woo-hoo!

Finally Springfield Elementary will get lunch…as Lunch Lady Dora arrives in town!

Back with more in a bit…but for now know that Kent Brockman starts things off (of course it has to be a DNA earning character!) and you’ll be tasked with building the Springfield Slaughter House for $1,260,000.  It’s a 24hr build.

Back with more as we go through it…details below.  This post is a work in progress, so keep checking back for more details as I go through them all..

Ok guys there are a couple of questlines running with this…the MAIN Level 52 questline (the one that unlocks Lunch Lady Dora is started by Brockman (as it says above).  That will kick off the build time.

Now there’s a secondary questline that will be started by Mr. Burns once you’ve gotten through the first part of Brockman’s dialogue.  (Note: the Burns questline will start first if Brockman is busy).  We’ll break it down below..

But first the level basics…



Springfield Slaughterhouse- $1,260,000.  Comes with Lunch Lady Dora.  24hr Build and it’s 7×11 in size.  Earns $90, 10xp/4hrs.


Meat Can- $20,000.  Improves Vanity.


Lunch Lady Dora- Comes with the Springfield Slaughterhouse.



Springfield YMCA- 120 Donuts.  Comes with Coach Krupt.  7×7 in size and earns $175, 18xp/6hrs.

Vesuvius Pizza- 50 Donuts.  4×6 in size and earns $55, 5xp/hr.


Coach Krupt- Comes with the Springfield YMCA.

Now let’s talk about the questlines…

As mentioned a couple of times above…Lunch Lady Dora’s questline is started by Brockman and called Dora the Endorser.

Now there’s a second freemium questline that’s started by Mr. Burns.  That one’s called Rolling In It. Here are the details of the first part:

This will start for you if you’re Level 25 or higher

Rolling in It
Mr. Burns starts

Make Homer Enjoy His “Day Off”- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Make Mr. Burns Peruse the Latest Issue of ‘Snobby Hobbies’- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp 

THIS will start the Ain’t No Mountain High Enough task.

This is something we haven’t seen with Level play before.  Basically you complete various tasks and at the end you’ll unlock an exclusive outfit for Mr. Burns…

The first part you’ll be required to place the Money Mountain, which you can then find in your store for $5,000.  It’s pretty big (11×11).

The higher the level the bigger the Mountain grows (vertically) until it reaches it’s max at Level 11.

And then you’ll have to start throwing Money into it.  This will take away your in game cash…so be prepared.  Each time you have to make Mr. Burns throw money into the Mountain it costs your own in game cash.  The total through all 11 Level is $5,500,000.  That’s to complete the mountain and unlock the Monty Moneybags Costume.

The Monty Moneybags Costume will also come with a questline.  

I’ll break all this down in another post, because it’s a lot to go over in a rundown post.

Note: There’s also a questline for Coach Krupt.



And that my friends completes the Level 52 rundown post!

What are your thoughts on Level 52?  Excited about Lunch Lady Dora?  How about Coach Krupt?  What are your thoughts on The Moneybags questline?  How about the Money Mountain?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!


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