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Tapped Out Special Event Walkthroughs: Pride Month


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

So yesterday we had ourselves a little in-game update…a mini event for Pride Month.  Although like many things in TSTO the timing isn’t quite right.  In our Springfield Pride Month will last a week….

In addition to some rainbow themed decorations, we were given a fun little questline to keep us busy.

Initially I was only going to post the Turbo Tappin’ version of this questline…and then I read it.  And honestly I couldn’t stop laughing.  This questline is really well done, is hilarious and pokes fun at the political correctness of the world we live in…as only the Simpsons can.  So…I decided to post the entire walkthrough with dialogue.

I know there are some of you that won’t participate in this event…and I get it.  It’s your opinion and your right to do so.  However, I encourage you to try and remember it’s just a game and games are supposed to be fun.  I also encourage you to at least read the questline below (if not in your game)…it’s really funny and pokes fun at everything and everyone in only a way the Simpsons can.

So now…on with the show walkthrough!

Springfield Over the Rainbow Pt. 1

Lisa: We’ve never had a Pride Month in Springfield. I think it’s about time we did!
Mayor Quimby: 
Um… how about a Pride Day?
I knew it — you don’t really support Pride.
I’m a politician — I support everything.  But if it’s a day, we can make it a government holiday. Those dozens of days off a year are the reason I got into public service.
 But Pride deserves a month, not a day.
Hmm… maybe I could use it as an excuse to have a month of half-days.
Place Pride Decorations- x3.  

Springfield Over the Rainbow Pt. 2
Lisa starts

Lisa: Aunt Patty, I came up with a bunch of decoration ideas for Pride Month!
Pink triangles and rainbows, honey. No need to reinvent the wheel.
Blue Haired Lawyer: 
I represent Mr. O’Reilly the Leprechaun.  I have here a court order demanding you cease and desist from using triangles, rainbows, or any other symbol as a decoration.
No more copying me lucky trademarks!
But your lucky symbol is the clover.
And the rights to all symbols “inspired by or in any aspect similar to” that symbol, according to the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
 Please, Mr. Leprechaun. It’s for a good cause — Pride!
Well, I suppose I am a proud Irishman. So OK. But no symbols on merchandise!
Make Lisa Advertise Pride Month on the Internet- 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp
Lisa: Now we just need a venue for the party.
Coach K: 
How about my place, the YMCA? It’s fun to stay there!
I don’t know, sounds sketchy…
Coach K: 
What if I told you you could have a good meal there? And get yourself clean?
 I DO like to be clean.

Springfield Over the Rainbow Pt. 3
Lisa starts

Lisa: Pride month is almost here! Aren’t you excited?
Excited for it to be over!
Really?  Why?
Haven’t you seen Springface? Every special interest group has put up a page demanding their own month, too!
Springface is so 2014. All my friends now use Instaspring. But I’ll check out Springface… if I can remember my password.
Make Lisa Check Out Springface- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Hibbert: Why Pride Month? We skipped right past Black History Month… and on the fiftieth anniversary of the Selma march!
How about Smoker’s Month… for the fiftieth anniversary of Selma’s lungs turning black.
 I want to see Women’s History Month. Followed by Mother’s Month!
And Jewish American Month! Passover, Yom Kippur and all of those Sabbaths aren’t enough!
National Hip Replacement Month! Better yet, National Hip Replacement Month!
 Don’t forget Black Music Month. That’s right, we get two months!
And while we’re at it, why does everyone always ignore Stalker’s Awareness Month?  It’s a real thing. Look it up.
I am … and you’re right. ….. Over 400 groups are wrestling over a measly 12 months.
Rev. Lovejoy: 
11 months actually. God pretty much owns December.

Springfield Over the Rainbow Pt. 4
Lisa starts

Quimby: Lisa, I’m afraid we’ll have to cancel Pride Month. The other groups all want a month too. It’ll be decades of months!
Why not just have one month for everyone? Like Springfield Diversity Month?
So make everyone think they’re special by treating them all the same? You’re a political genius!
Make Lisa Campaign for Diversity Month- 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp

Springfield Over the Rainbow Pt. 5
Lisa starts

Lisa: I hope my suggestion of Diversity Month won’t upset the LGBT community.
I think I speak for most by saying I support all causes for Pride.
 Oh really, Smithers? What are you so proud about?
Um… just, you know… go diversity!
Yes, like the diversity between my salary and everyone else’s!
Make Burns Celebrate Diversity- 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp
Make Springfield’s Unique Citizens Celebrate- x8.  2hrs, Earns $110, 27xp Freemium and $175, 40xp Premium.
Duffman: Only one thing could make this celebration better: Duff Beer, official beer of Diversity Month!
Seriously? You’re really gonna use Diversity Month as a marketing opportunity?
Mr. Burns: 
Smithers, head back to the office and start working on the “3 kilowatts for the price of 2” Diversity Month Special.
My idealism has officially been destroyed.
Only one thing could make this moment better: Duff beer, official beer of having your idealism destroyed!

Springfield Over the Rainbow Pt. 6
Homer starts

Homer: What reason do I have to celebrate Diversity Month? I’m just an average, normal American.
 Surely you jest. You have one of the most diverse collections of lifestyle-related health problems I’ve ever seen!
Woo hoo! To further encourage diversity, I will now chug a six-pack.
Make Homer Celebrate his Pride- 2hrs, Earns $110, 27xp
Make Springfielders Join the Continuing Festivities- x8.  2hrs.  Earns $110, 27xp Freemium and $175, 40xp Premium.  

And that concludes the Pride Week questline my friends!

What are your thoughts on the dialogue?  Did you find it as funny as I did?  Which special interest group’s month request was your favorite?  Personally I thought Moe’s was pretty funny…oh Moe.  You creepy, creepy goon.  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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