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Monorail Math


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

So we’ve spent the last couple of days talking about the Blueprint Caps from the Project Board.  And now that we’re all (more or less) understanding what happens with the cap and how it’s reached, it’s time to take a look at the overall Math of the Monorail Event Act 1.

Once the caps were hit by some of you, immediate panic set it.  Many of you were wondering exactly how you’re supposed to unlock all the Act 1 prizes with the cap imposed. So let’s break it down and take a look at all of the Blueprint earning ways for act 1….

So, let’s start with the Project Board itself..

Now that we know there is a Cap on how many Blueprints you can earn per day from the Project Board, we can get an understanding of just how many Blueprints you can earn via the Project Board for all of Act 1.

First, let me start with the same thing I said yesterday…This is NOT a cap on the total Blueprints you can earn.  Some people out there are confusing a Project Board Cap with a Blueprint total cap.  There is no cap on the maximum number of Blueprints you can earn in a day.  The Project Board Cap is simply a cap on the number of Blueprints you can earn per day via the Project Board.  There are other ways outside of the Project Board to earn Blueprints, and we’ll cover those below.

So now let’s take a look at these caps….

Date  Cap Increase
8/11 4500
8/12 9000 +4500
8/13 13,500 +4500
8/14 18,000 +4500
8/15 22,500 +4500
8/16 27,000 +4500
8/17 31,500 +4500
8/18 36,000 +4500
8/19 45,000 +9,000
8/20 54,000 +9,000
8/21 63,000 +9,000
8/22 72,000 +9,000

Again a reminder: You’re allowed to earn 4,500 Blueprints from JUST turning in projects/day.  Each day is a running total.  So if you miss a day or don’t max out you can make it up the next day.  The last 4 days of Act 1 (August 19th-22nd) the cap increases to 9,000/day. 

It’s a running total and NOT an individual per day cap.  The cap per day is set at 4,500.

Also important to note it’s not a hard 4,500.  You can go slightly over it each day (depending on the projects you do) from what I’m seeing…BUT if you go over it the previous day, the next days amount will be lower.  It balances out in the end, that by August 22nd you can earn a max of 72,000 Blueprints from the Project Board.

Once you clear the Prize Track the Cap is Lifted.  So you’ll be able to earn loads of Blueprints to get Loads of Tracks. See below for more info on bonus tracks.

So from the project board you’ll earn 72,000 blueprints.

Of course 72,000 isn’t enough to unlock all of the prizes, as you’ll need 89,350 to get to Ray Patterson.  So let’s take a look at some other Blueprint earning ways…

We’ll stay within the Project Board for the moment, as there are Daily Bonuses awarded each day you complete a set number of Projects at the Board.  Here’s a look at those bonuses (and the tasks needed to earn it):

Date  Bonus Payout # of Projects
8/11 1200 2
8/12 1200 2
8/13 1,200 2
8/14 1,800 3
8/15 1,200 2
8/16 1,800 3
8/17 2,400 4
8/18 1,200 2
8/19 1,800 3
8/20 1,800 3
8/21 1,200 2
8/22 3,000 5

So if you make all the bonuses throughout Act 1 you’ll earn an additional 19,800 Blueprints.

So right there just between the Project Board Projects and the bonuses you’re at 91,800 Blueprints…and boom you’ve earned all the prizes!

BUT knowing that you earn extra track pieces AFTER you clear the Prizes it’s certainly worth it to keep going.  Plus if you decide you want to enjoy the last couple of weeks of August and miss a day or two of bonuses…let’s take a look at some of the other ways to earn Blueprints.

Neighbor Actions

You’ll earn Blueprints for Dumping Garbage on your Neighbors.  And not just one or two, you’ll earn SIX blueprints/tap when you dump Garbage in your Neighbor’s town.  So if you do 3taps/neighbor that’s 18 blueprints/town.

Now like most events, you will get capped on Neighbor Actions that can earn Blueprints/day.  The cap for this event is 90 Actions (or 30 neighbors if you do 3 taps/town) per day.

So let’s breakdown the math….6 blueprints/action x 90 actions per day = 540 Blueprints/day.

Act 1 runs from 8/11-8/22 so 12 days of neighbor actions (at best).  540 actions/day x 12 days= 6,480 Blueprints from neighbor actions

Note: This will double to 12,960 if you purchased the Dumping Permit on the first day (the 11th).

So we’re at an additional 6,480 Blueprints from Neighbor Actions.

You’ll also earn an additional 1 Blueprint/building cleared in your own town, when neighbors dump garbage.  I didn’t factor this into math because there are too many variables for it.  It’s not a set number since it’s dependent on your neighbor dumping in your town and out of your control.  So view those Blueprints from clearing buildings as a bonus.  

And finally…

Possum Clearing 


Possum’s start appearing in your game once you unlock the Monorail Station. To clear a possum all you do is tap on it, and each one will pay out 10 Blueprints.

Initially they’ll spawn in your town at a rate of 8 every 4hours.  So that’s 80 Blueprints/4hrs from Possumes.  So I always say if you get into your game every 4hrs while you’re awake, you can earn a ton.  I don’t think it’s unrealistic to think most of us can get into our games at least once every 4hrs to clear the possums (note: they don’t just appear, you have to tap the station to release them.  You’ll see a possum icon floating over it when they’re ready).  A general schedule is something like:

So at least 4 times clearing them per day, at 80 Blueprints/clearing you’re looking at 320 Blueprints/day from Possums at the most basic point.  (there will be some of you that’ll get on 5-6 times/day to clear them…)

BUT the cool thing about this Event is the more track pieces you unlock, the more possums you’ll get/4hrs.  BUT it does take a few pieces for the Possums to start increasing.  Here’s what I’ve seen so far:
Station-11 Pieces- 8 Possums
12pieces-23pieces- 9 Possums
24pieces- 10 Possums (this is how many you’ll have once you max out the prize track)

So it looks like it increases by 1 every 12 tracks you put down. So there’s some potential to earn a bunch of extra possums/day (and that’ll help out when Act 2 and Act 3 hit).  The more tracks you have, the more possums you’ll get.


So what happens when you unlock all the prizes?  Is there incentive to continue getting blueprints?  Well yes there is.  You’ll earn MORE Monorail tracks!  Here’s the details from Bunny on the Track Bonus….



This time around, the “Bonus” is a bit different. For every X amount of Blueprints beyond 89350 you earn, you will be able to get additional pieces of Tracks for your Monorail.

Word of caution on this one, if you are NOT in your town when you hit the bonus, any additional Blueprints collected may not count towards the Bonus (they will only add to your main total). So be careful. If you are close, you may want to go back to your Springfield just before you hit it. This is due to once it triggers the final prize, it will take a few minutes to go through all the pop ups for it. This causes the Bonus Round Pop Up to delay as you tap through them. That means any additional beyond the 89350 earned when you hit it will NOT count to the Ahead of the Track Bonus until you see the Pop Up. For instance if you earn 89450, the extra 100 will go to your total, but nothing will add to the Bonus until Ahead of the Track Bonus pops up. So the counts may be slightly off. 

This is what I saw in my game…

Once you hit your 89350, you will see the Tap Finger pointing at your Task Menu towards a Track Piece Icon.

Tapping on the Track Piece Icon will then pop up the Ahead of the Track Bonus. You will see what the Current Amount of Additional Blueprints are required in order for you to earn ONE additional Piece of Rail Track to your game.

It seems this just keeps going and going and going. Each time adding more to the Required additional Blueprints to earn.

For instance

I am currently at earn +5000 more Blueprints.

Each time it only rewarded me the ONE piece of Rail Track when I hit the Required amount of Blueprints. It automatically jumped to the next amount as soon as I got the Track Piece Pop Up.

So no Bonus Donuts, but instead lots more Tracks.

So let’s sum it all up with a look at the potential Blueprints you can earn for Act 1:

Project Board- 72,000 blueprints.
Project Board Bonus- 19,800 blueprints
Neighbor Actions- 6,480 blueprints (if started collecting from neighbors on 8/11) Double that if you’ve had the Permit since 8/11.
Possums- 3,520/act 1 Blueprints, at the basic 8 Possums/4hrs..and if you clear them at least 4times/day.  And assuming you clear it for 11 days (from the 12th-22nd)

For a total of 101,800.  BUT remember, once you clear the Prizes the cap is completely lifted on the Project Board.  So you should have no problem exceeding 101,000 and earning loads of bonus tracks!

And that my friends sums up this Monorail Math Post!

What are your thoughts on the math of this event?  How are you doing with your Blueprint count so far?  Are you visiting all your neighbors daily?  Clearing those possums?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!



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