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Christmas/Winter 2015/2016 Act 3 is Live! (The Maggie Act)


Update: Building actions are back, which means vandalism is back as well.  Be careful when tapping in a neighbor’s town and only tap the bears.  Tapping buildings will count against your daily actions for the day…

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

New Year, new act.  Out with the old, in with the new!  Christmas is over…bring on Maggie and the fun!

Gone are the Merry Makers, collection of Mistletoe, daily challenges & crafting.  Here are Imaginary Bears, pacifiers, babies & Play Dough.

Act 3 is upon us!

Remember…this is an automatic change in your game.  Nothing to download, it should just start up in your game..

If you don’t own Maggie Moe will start things for you.  If you do own Maggie, Marge will start things for you.  If you don’t have Maggie you’ll have several extra steps to complete before you start the main Act 3 stuff….

Just what does Act 3 have in store for us?  Let’s take a look…

New Prize Currency for Act 3..


Pacifiers can be earned by tapping Imaginary Bears (Imaginary Friends Pt. 2 trigger them in your town…it’ll be a little bit before you see them (especially if you don’t have Maggie yet)

-You’ll earn 8 for every bear you tap in your town
-You’ll also earn them via tapping bears in a friend’s town.  You’ll earn 1   for every bear you tap in a friend’s town. (first 9 actions, at least for me, paid 3 each)
 can also be earned via the Daily Combo…

Imaginary Bears

The bears will start spawning once you’ve reached Imaginary Friends Pt. 2…they’ll spawn at the same rate as the Merrymakers, 1 every 5 minutes.  You can have a max of 40 in your town at once, with a bank of 20.


Act 3 Personal Prizes

Kearny’s Other Son- 2,700

Mrs. Sinclair- 9,600

Wall E Weasels- 17,800

Baby Gerald- 27,400

Once you’ve earned all the prizes you’ll have a chance for Bonus Donuts by collecting more Pacifiers.

Act 1 & 2 Prizes

IF you didn’t collect them all… you can still access them by tapping on the “ACT ONE PRIZES” tab in the Personal Prizes area. As you can no longer collect items for them, your only option now is to pay donuts to outright by each one left at the point you left off at. (just like every other event)

New Items in the Store


Slide- $8,500


Slide Factory- 1oo Donuts

Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers- 120 Donuts, Comes with the Babysitter Bandit


Blocko Store- 30 Donuts Should I Buy

It’s A Wonderful Knife- 150 Donuts, Comes with Gino Terwilliger Should I Buy

Fort Sensible- 65 Donuts Should I Buy

Stonecutter’s Daycare Center- $250,000

I won’t be doing new Should I Buy posts on the returning items.  Check out the older posts for details on them.  If there’s no should I buy for it, check out the rundown post and details…that’ll explain what it is/does and help you make a decision.  


How Do I Get Maggie?

If you did not get Maggie during Act 2 you’ll have the chance to get her in Act 3.  In fact you’ll have to unlock her before you can continue with the progress of Act 3.  If you did not start the You Better Not Cry questline, you’ll start Seems to Be the Hardest Word.  Here you’ll have to basically have Moe, Krusty, Cletus and CBG all clean up the vandalism…you’ll then have a couple more tasks and you’ll unlock Maggie.

Once Maggie is unlocked you’ll be able to start the main Act 3 stuff.


Questline Buildings

You’ll unlock two buildings by playing the questline…

 Play Dough Factory 

 Ayn Rand School for Tots

Again, these unlock via the questline.  So don’t go crazy looking for them immediately, you won’t find them unless you play the questline.

Act 3 is pretty cool as far as the questline goes.  Take your time and read the dialogue, it’s pretty fun!  As far as the basics of Act 3, well it’s just like everything else…collect  to earn prizes…pretty simple 🙂

And as always…when in doubt PLAY THE QUESTLINE!!!!  I can’t tell you how many times you guys tell me something didn’t happen and it’s because you’ve stopped playing the questline.  So follow along with the main questline (Turbo Tappin’ will be up later) and stick to it.  You’ll unlock everything you should unlock if you stick with the questline…

What are you’re thoughts on Act 3?  Excited about the prizes?  How about the new items? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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