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Should I Spend Donuts on Astronaut Barney and the Shuttle Simulator?


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s time to get our space on, as Deep Space Homer has hit our Springfields!  Time to blast off and stock up on those donuts, for all those brand new premium items in our stores.  Now I know you may be trying to decide if these are worth YOUR donuts, but don’t sweat it!  We’re here to tell you what’s worth the donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add Astronaut Barney and the Shuttle Simulator to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this space drunk to your town! 

First a couple of notes.  1.  Sorry this wasn’t up sooner.  When EA drops events late on a Thursday it’s hard to get everything up on Friday.  And then with the weekend right up against it, sometimes posts like the Should I Buys get held off until the following Monday.  Just because we like to take our weekends off too (we need the mental break 😉 )
2.  If you do not already own Barney…stop what you’re doing and take advantage of the special rebate deal on him right now.  That’s the best deal you’re ever going to get for Barney.  And not only will you get Barney but you’ll get his Astronaut skin for free when you buy him.  (simulator not included)  So get him. if you don’t already own him.  Best deal you’re going to get.  

And now on with the Should I Buy…for those of us who already own Barney 

Building/Decoration: Space Shuttle Simulator
Astronaut Barney
Donut Price: 120 Donuts (75 Donuts for the Simulator only…) 
Bouns %: 2.5% on all cash and XP
Conform-O-Meter: Vanity +100
Size: 8×5
Unique: Yes, only 1 per Springfield

-Comes with a questline
-Simulator is animated when tapped, rocket boosters fire
-Earns a decent bonus %
-Astronaut Barney will help you earn more NARA stars
-Astronaut Barney has a couple of fun outdoor tasks

*I forgot to mention that this does have a cash/xp payout every 3hrs.  But it’s not something you see if you tap on it.  So the cash will appear over it every 3hrs to clear, but you won’t see the countdown timer for payout

-Barney is a premium character, so buying a premium skin for him doesn’t increase his task value
-Frustrating for those who already own Barney and paid full price for him that players who are getting him during the event not only get him at a lower cost, BUT also get the Astronaut skin for free
-You don’t need him at all to complete the Deep Space Event.  You’ll have plenty of other characters that can do the tasks to earn stars and help you earn the prizes.  So his event benefit is neutralized.
-Pricey for a skin/decoration combo.

Final Thought:
Premium or Freemium:
Here’s my take on this….(only applies to those who already own Barney) if you like it and want it, get it.  Don’t buy it for any benefit other than it’s something you want.  The star earning potential really isn’t crucial for the event, so that’s not a reason to get him.  This one should be purely a personal decision.

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would/wouldn’t do…and I can tell I’ll probably be picking this one up, but I’m still debating it.   However, this IS a limited-time item.  So if you’re thinking about getting him make sure you make your final decision before he leaves our games on February 4th.

Psst…if you just purchased Barney during this event and received the Astronaut skin as part of the deal and are wondering if you should buy the Shuttle Simulator the answer, in my opinion, is no it’s not worth it.  The 1 task he has there and the bonus % are not worth the 75 donuts in my opinion.  So be happy you got the skin for free and pass on the simulator.

Here’s a look at Astronaut Barney’s Tasks:

Task Length Earns Location
Pretend to Fly Like a Superhero 1hr $105, 26xp Simulator
Demonstrate Balance 3hrs $200, 55xp Outside
Blast Off 4hrs $260, 70xp Outside
Eat “Astronaut Ice Cream” 8hrs $420, 105xp Moe’s Tavern
Stop in for a Soda 12hrs $600, 150xp Moe’s Tavern
Study for Online College Courses 24hrs $1,000, 225xp Java Server

What are your thoughts on Astronaut Barney?  Will you be spending the donuts to bring him to your Springfield (or did you already)? Thoughts on the Deep Space Event? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you! 

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