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Where Did THAT Come From – Der Krazy Kraut & Becky


In our silly lil game, we sometimes see things pop in that we have no clue as to their Origin. They seem familiar, but we just can’t pinpoint from where. So that is why we decided to make a fun lil reminder out of it. To let you know just Where Did THAT Come From?

Love is in the air in Springfield and this time it’s an affair for the older Sprinfieldianites… and Otto. You asked for some VD, I mean Valentine’s Day action (okay that doesn’t sound better), I mean an event themed to the sacrifices of a priest during the reign of Roman Emperor Claudius, okay, I don’t know what I mean. How about just saying we got another mini-event for a “holiday” and tappers got what they sort of asked for? As I suspected, a portion of this event is basically an episode tie-in for the upcoming Valentine’s Day episode, “Love Is in the N2-O2-Ar-CO2-Ne-He-CH4” (S27:E13) airing on February 14th. But not everything is new… some of the items come from previous episodes and that’s why I get to share with all of my favorite tappers here. For this origin, we’ll be taking a look at Der Krazy Kraut and Becky, available for 150 donuts in the 2016 Valentine’s Day Update. Let’s take a look at the TV Series to find them.

“It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge” (S11:E21)

I decided to include these two items together since they appeared together in the show just like they do in our games.  They might seem like a strange pairing but not any more than Otto and Becky in the episode.  They “met during the Summer of Love, Woodstock 99.”  Otto was on fire and unwilling to pay eight bucks for a bottle of water.  Becky was kind enough to use her spring water to put him out and the rest is history.

Otto knows she’s the one and proposes to her at her work, the one and only Der Krazy Kraut, dressed as Slash.

And where else to have a wedding?  The Simpson house.  Easy enough since they still had most of the stuff from Apu’s wedding (remember me mentioning that here?) and Bart was nice enough to offer it as a venue.  Becky is all dressed up beautiful for her wedding.  She likes all the same things as Otto except for heavy metal.  Uh oh.

The wedding is off when Becky is unhappy with Cyanide (“a loving tribute to Poison”) replaces the bridal march.  With Marge’s prompting, Becky makes Otto pick between her and metal.  No surprise what he chooses.

To make it up to Becky, the Simpsons let her stay with them until she gets on her feet.  It all starts well with Becky adding rosemary to the gravy and boosting the taste of dinner, but then she’s adding Jackie Chan moves  to Bart’s video project, jam painting with Lisa, and generally wearing out her welcome with Marge with her helpfulness.

Bring on the plotline a la The Hand That Rocks the Cradle.  Frankly I blame Patty & Selma for planting the idea in Marge’s brain.  Seduction and murder. Replacing Marge and cutting her brakes.  Resuscitating Homer when she’s not there.  It’s enough to drive Marge to the mad house… literally.

Ok, Marge doesn’t go to an asylum but she is declared insane and is a mental patient on the run.  “Run Marge!  Pump those crazy legs!”  And then she literally marches into a mental asylum only to escape again.

Marge on the Lam.  The headlines at the Springfield Library reveal that Becky is talented and a catcher of usurpers, but not a murderer.  Marge heads home but when she gets there, her fears are realized.

Okay… maybe not.  Turns out Becky is still helping Bart with his video project and Homer probably drained her brake fluid when he was changing the oil.  A minor reveal that it turns out Becky did think of killing Marge but wasn’t keen on picking between seven different shovels.  So all is well.  Marge isn’t crazy and Becky is a lazy usurper.

And that’s it friends… the origins of the Gil deal in the 2016 Valentine’s Day thingie.  Anyone besides me have a craving for Der Wienerschnitzel after seeing the deal?  What are your thoughts?  Did you splurge on it?  Wish Becky had arrived in the vamp costume instead?  Sound off and happy romantic tapping.

TTFN… Wookiee out!



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