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Should I Spend Donuts on Tuxedo Krusty?


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Viva Las Springfield!  Bring on the Casinos, as it’s Vegas time in Springfield!  So bust open that change purse and stock up on donuts because there are loads of Vegas inspired items in our stores!

Now with all this new content I know you may be trying to if any of it is worth YOUR donuts, but don’t sweat it!  We’re here to tell you what’s worth the donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add Tuxdeo Krusty to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this Vegas Lounge Act to your Springfield!

Character/Skin: Tuxedo Krusty
Donut Price: 60 Donuts

Leave Our Games March 17th

-Comes with a quest line
-Returning from the Season 26 Premiere Episode Tie-In
-Premium character earns 50% more on all cash and XP (was originally a regular character, now earns at a premium rate)
-The ONLY addition to the premium store that can actually earn chips in the casino.

-Does not earn bonus VIP cards when purchased
-If you already have the Stonecutters skin for Krusty there’s no real bonus outside of the event chip earning potential.

Final Thought:
If you don’t already have this, get it.  The benefit for the event is great, and because it’s a skin, it’s the least expensive premium option for chip earning at the casino.

This is a toss up for Freemium players in my opinion.  If you’re stuck with the basic 5 characters at the casino (6 if you have Paris) and see that you’re struggling a bit to earn chips, this is a good option for you.  At 60 donuts he’s the least expensive of the premium options that can go to the casino.  So it’s not a bad buy for freemium players.

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would/wouldn’t do…and I can tell you I already own Tuxedo Krusty, from the episode tie-in.  But if I didn’t, I’d pick him up here.    However, this is limited-time.  So if you’re thinking about getting him make sure you make your final decision before he leaves our game on March 17th

Tuxedo Krusty’s Permanent Tasks:

Task Length Earns Location
Take a “Spoonful of Courage” 1hr $70, 17xp Krusty Burger
Enjoy Fine Dining 2hrs $110, 27xp Gilded Truffle
Dine Beneth His Station 4hrs $175, 45xp Krusty Burger
Relax Like a One Percenter 6hrs $350, 90xp Krusty’s Mansion
Prepare Scathing Retorts 8hrs $275, 70xp Krusty Burger
Strut Around Town 12hrs $420, 100xp Outside
Rehearse with Mini-Ha-Ha 24hrs $600, 150xp Outside

What are your thoughts on Tuxedo Krusty?  Will you be spending the donuts to bring him to your Springfield (or did you already)?  Or did you get him for free back in 2014? Thoughts on the Casino update in general? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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