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Wild West 101: Town Plaza Jobs (Act 3)


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Time to hitch up the wagons and head out west, because the Wild West has hit our Springfields! With bandits to tie up, guns to sling, gold to pan & gold ole’ Homer getting everyone all riled up!

With so many layers to this event, it’s easy to get confused with what’s going on.  But, that’s where we come it!  To guide you through the ins and outs and break it all down in a manageable way, that anyone can quickly understand.

In this post we’re going to break down the jobs available at Town Plaza for Act 3.  These jobs are designed to help you earn more event currency…not only the TNT  you’ll need for Act 3 prizes but also the “crafting” currency (Pickaxes, Hats, guns & Gold Coins) you’ll need to “hand in” at the General Store to earn even more TNT! By the time we’re done you’ll have the ins, the outs & and the know how to fully understand who can go on what job and how to get them there.

So let’s get to it shall we?

Before we get into everything let me preface this by saying, this is by far one of the easiest events we’ve seen in recent times.  And I think what’s happening is, it’s too easy for some of you.  Too easy that you’re over thinking it way to much, and it’s throwing you off.

So I’m encouraging you to stop over analyzing.  Just play and have fun.  Remember the tappa, tap, tap Ralph way of playing.  Don’t think, just tap. 🙂

Now I’ve broken everything up in detail during Act 2.  So if you’re confused or trying to figure out the other jobs you can check out that post.  It will thoroughly breakdown every detail about starting crazes, earning currency etc.  So if you’re having trouble read that post first.  Again it can be found here

New with Act 3 is the ability to earn Gold Coins.  A new dimension to our collecting game.  You’ll need the Gold Coins to turn in at the General Store to earn TNT.

Here’s a list of tasks at the Town Plaza that will earn you Gold Goins:

– Trigger, Lisa Ominously Warn…via the Start A Craze Option:

Character Task Length Earns
Apu Overreact to Warnings 4hrs 8   8
Homer Overreact to Warnings 4hrs 8   8
Lurleen Overreact to Warnings 4hrs 16   16 
Cletus Overreact to Warnings 4hrs 8   8
Marge Overreact to Warnings 4hrs 8   8
Lisa Reaffirm Warnings 4hrs 8   8
Belle Overreact to Warnings 4hrs 16   16 
Krusty Overreact to Warnings 4hrs 8   8
Wiggum Overreact to Warnings 4hrs 8   8
Buck McCoy Overreact to Warnings 4hrs 16   16 
Luke Stetson Overreact to Warnings 4hrs 16   16 
Moe Overreact to Warnings 4hrs 8   8

*Lisa is only an option if she’s not Ominously Warning via the Start a Craze Option

What are your thoughts on the Town Plaza jobs?  Figuring it out?  Having success?  Still completely confused?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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