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Totbox’s Throwback Thursday: S2 E11 One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish


Ureshii Mase!! (I lost my Japanese translator so I went with what Frinkiac said)

It is THURSDAY and you know what that means, meatloaf night. But before you get the ketchup let me catch-You-Up on some old episodes with another throwback, (some of you are sighing *another one?*) yes. Ohhh Myy, there are some special guest-star voices to make this throwback sound a little sweeter, *bowing and walking away backwards as I present the title* enjoy:

“One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish”
They say “you are what you eat”, so Homer might end up as a dead fish

Sushi while popularized by Japan actually got it’s start in Southeast Asia. The delicacy made it’s way to the United States in the early 1900s. This episode premiered January 24th 1991, the 24th episode of The Simpsons, season 2 episode 11.

Akira and The Happy Sumo restaurant

There are also characters and items that appeared for the first time that Could come into TSTO in the future maybe. OHH MYY THE POSSIBILITIES:

Some previously requested Characters: Master Sushi Chef (try saying that ten times fast) :p

(A new category) sometimes I pass over things when I see them the first time, and such things (occasionally) deserve a Second Look:

Richie Sakai (karaoke singer), he first appeared in Moe’s Tavern in episode S2 E5 “Dancin’ Homer” and I tossed him into the don’t mention it section. Seeing him in this episode and learning a little more about him (details provided in this episode and seeing him play the xylophone in a future episode), I figure he has enough visual tasks to toss him into the game of ours. He would fit in with a music event, barfly/night club event, and even a Japanese theme event.

Possible Events: Fishing event (I’ll let EA digest that for a minute), yes I said it again “Fishing event” and now that Blinky-Monster is coming into our game it can reappear for such an event. Or EA can ignore me and do Japanese event.

Characters and Things I didn’t mention because I personally have no interest in them joining the game Don’t Mention It: Toshiro (chef seen in picture above), other chefs, the receptionist, other folks at the restaurant/karaoke bar. Atmosphere jail-mate, red headed woman, and Moe’s Tavern patrons (that I haven’t mentioned in previous posts).

some Highlights:

I know you’re dying for even more Highlights:

Some other things to think about:

Fugu fish is real and in the year 1958 176 people died from it’s poison. Moe answers the phone claiming to be the birth place of the Rob Roy (which was really created in 1894 in New York City). This episode had George Takei, Larry King and Sab Shimono. Sab not only voiced the Master Chef in this episode he also voiced the highly popular Mr. Sparkle (in future episodes). Most people will be unfamiliar with Sab, he’s voiced other cartoons and been in films, probably best known as Lord Norinaga (the villain) from the 1993 Time Travel film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 (oddly I never saw it, After TMNT 2 and the dance number at the end, I lost my respect for the franchise).

Other quick nitpicks, Homer eating a magically replenishable sushi piece (like a gif) and his classic whiskers flickering from yellow to brown near the end of the episode. The ambulance license plate says “SLIP”. The final sequence (of pork rinds being eaten on the couch) has the old (season 1) framed picture seen, not the classic sailboat painting. Finally It’s established that Thursday is Meatloaf night and Friday is Pork Chop night (I mention this not as a nitpick but for no other reason than to make you question your own eating schedual).

Do you have a certain night designated to a certain food? Do you remember this episode? What was your favorite moment? Any of the Possibilities that you Really do/don’t like? Do you like sushi? Do you have a go-to karaoke song? Do you have a bucket list? Are there any changes you’d make to Homer’s bucket list (additions/subtractions)? Ever thought you were going to die? Can you imagine a world without poisons? Sound off in the comments and have a fan-fugu-tastic journey back to your current space/time and be thankful you’re alive 🙂

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