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Halloween 2016 Prize Guide: Act 1, Prize 7 Space Marshmallow


Note: Yes, your Feral Monsters (Rats) are evolving…and a couple of other premium items hit the store.  I’ll have that all covered a little later. 🙂

Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s Halloween in our pocket-size Springfields!  Yes that magical time of the year when our towns turn dark, our water becomes mucky and there are monsters everywhere to battle.  Just like October in every other suburban town in America, no?

The Halloween Event is in full swing on our devices and it’s full of creepy decorations, buildings and characters…all designed to get us into the Halloween spirit!

This Event is broken up into 3 Acts, with each Act containing part of the story.  To help you move along with the event you’ll get several prizes per Act.  Each prize will either be something fun for Springfield or something to help you move along in the event.  For the First Act you’re tasked with collecting Film Strips () to unlock each prize!

The fifth Act 1 Prize is awarded at 44,300  is the Space Marshmallow, because he’s magically delicious…

So let’s take a closer look at this seventh prize and just what happens when you unlock it in your Springfield…

Once you’ve collected 44,300 you’ll automatically be awarded the Space Marshmallow and you’ll see this message popup:

Now unlike characters that have come with past events, the Space Marshmallow does come with his own decoration…the Meteor Egg.  He’s associated with this decoration, so if you store it you’ll also store the Space Marshmallow.

Once place you’ll see his character unlock message appear..

And he’s part of the Treehouse of Horror XXVII Character Collection

The Space Marshmallow will come with his own questline, which will start up for you once you place the Meteor.  Here’s a look at the Turbo Tappin’ version of the questline….

The Talented Mr. Dripley Pt. 1
Space Marshmallow starts

Make Space Marshmallow Practice Shapeshifting- 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp

The Talented Mr. Dripley Pt. 2
Homer starts

Make Space Marshmallow Emulate Homer- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

The Talented Mr. Dripley Pt. 3
Homer starts

Make Space Marshmallow Fill in For Homer at the Plant- 12hrs, Earns $420, 100xp

The Talented Mr. Dripley Pt. 4
Homer starts

Make Space Marshmallow Take the Family Out for Lunch- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp

The Talented Mr. Dripley Pt. 5
Homer starts

Make Space Marshmallow Slink Away- 24hrs, Earns $600, 150xp


Here are some quick facts about the Space Marshmallow and the Meteor Egg:

Size: 4×4
Build Time: Instant
Conform-O-Meter: Vanity +100
Earns: Nothing
MAG Points: Earns 540  when built.
What Does it Do?: Space Marshmallow is a full character with a full set of tasks.  The Meteor Egg is really just a basic decoration.  There’s no bonus% associated with it and it doesn’t earn regular income.  The Space Marshmallow will have a task there.

Here’s a look at the Space Marshmallow’s Permanent Tasks…

Task Length Earns Location
Lob Bits of Self 1hr $70, 17xp Outdoor/Visual
Emulate Homer 4hrs $175, 45xp Outdoor/Visual
Feed on Compost 8hrs $275, 70xp Brown House
Send Messages into Space 12hrs $420, 100xp KBBL Radio Station
Hibernate 24hrs $600, 150xp Meteor Egg

Once unlocked the Space Marshmallow will be able to fight Monster Battles..

No, you do not need to finish his questline to unlock that ability.  And yes, you can wait to finish his questline until after the event is over.

And there you have it, the details behind the Space Marshmallow, the seventh Halloween prize!

What’s Next?

 Bonuts!  For every 2,800  you collect after you’ve unlocked the Space Marshmallow,  you’ll get the chance at 1, 2 or 3 donuts via the MAG Bonus.

Beyond that it’s just waiting for Act 2 to start on Tuesday….

So that my friends is the full breakdown of the seventh (and final) Act 1 prize!

What do you think of the Space Marshmallow? Have you unlocked it yet?  Where have you placed the meteor in your Springfield? Aiming for a Halloween themed area in your Springfield?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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