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Should I Spend Donuts On Gil’s Pagan Offer?


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The snow is falling in Springfield and that can only mean it’s Winter time in our pocket sized towns!  And of course it wouldn’t be an event in Springfield without premium items in our stores, just tempting us to spend sprinkles on them!

And it never helps the donut matter when Ol’ Gil arrives in town!  Especially because we all know whatever he’s peddling will cost us a ton of donuts!  But with that limited-time label it can be tempting to buy everything that looks awesome because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add Gil’s Pagan Simpson Bundle to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this hot hot bundle to your Springfield…

So first a little details.  Gil hit our stores yesterday, waving his arms like a crazy man.  When you tapped on him this is what he had to say…

Gil: It’s Gil’s favorite time of the year — Christmas!  When even the most desperate, lost-his-mojo-years-ago-if-he-ever-really-had-it-to-begin-with salesman can make a killing!  Hello, citizens of Springfield!
Homer: You again…
Gil: Hear me out, Pagans! You’re gonna love what I have in store for you! Always wanted your very own piece of Pagan history? Like big decorations? See yourself dancing around half-naked around a giant statue of Ba-al?
Homer: Yes, yes and sorta!

If you refuse..

Gil: Well, okay. Say… I got a used Simpson House to sell you. Cheap! Oh, I see you’ve already got one.  Why does everybody have one of these?

If you accept…

Gil: Always good doing business with you, friend! How’ bout some fire insurance to go ablong with your purchse, you know, just in case?

So now here are the details of the bundle…

Bundle Details: Includes Pagan Bonfire, Pagan Hut and Pagan Fence (6) 
Donut Price: 170 Dounts
Earns: Overall 6.5% bonus on all cash and XP (4.5% for bonfire, .5% for Hut & .25% for each fence piece)
Also Earns: $135,15xp/4hrs
Size: Bonfire 8×8, Hut 4×4; Each Fence 1×2
 Bonfire: Obedience +10;  Indolence +20; Vanity +100 (each)

If you purchase you’ll also unlock the ability to purchase more fences and more huts from the store.  Each additional fence is 10 donuts and each additional hut is 20 donuts.

Leaves Stores December 20th

-Unique items that will fit nicely with the other event items
-Simpson Family (Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa & Maggie) have a task there to earn Antlers at the Bonfire.(4hrs, earns 40 Antlers each. 200 Antlers/4hrs) Note: Lisa will have 2 tasks.  To worship and dance. Both same amount of time, same payout.

-WAY overpriced
-Does not come with actual costumes for The Simpsons, only temporary costumes for their task there
-6 Fences really aren’t enough and each additional one is WAY overpriced for a fence…10 donuts?! Crazy!

Final Thought
It’s fun.  The task there is amusing..but it’s seriously overpriced.  So honestly, I’d pass on it.  It’s not necessary to successfully complete the event, and it simply doesn’t do enough to justify the 170 donuts.  Of course I know there are many of you premium players that will tell me it’s awesome and you love it…and if you think that way grab it.  It is limited-time, so if you like it get it.  But I legitimately feel like this one is just way over priced…hard to justify for me.

Pass.  Way to expensive for what it is/does.  Save your donuts and let this one go…not worth it.

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would or wouldn’t do.  And I can tell you as a premium player, I’m passing.  Remember this is one of those items that helps with the event, so the sooner you pick it up the more beneficial it will be to you.   So I would say make your final decision soon so that you can get the most benefit from it.

Here’s a look at the short questline that comes with it…

Ba’al of Confusion Pt. 1
Homer starts

Homer: Come, Pagans! Let us dance and sing around the likeness of He Who is Most Mighty, uh…
Lisa: Ba’al. His name is Ba’al.
Homer: Oh, great Ba’al!  We thank you for your blessings, especially, uh..
Lisa: …storms and fertility…
Homer: Bring us your mighty storms, oh Ba’al. But spare us your mighty fertility, for I have more than enough kids already! Come, let us dance ’round Ba’al, lest he grown wroth and curse us with more kids!
Make the Simpsons Worship Ba’al- x5. 4hrs, Earns 40 Antlers each
Homer: AHHHHHHH!  It burns, it burns, it burns!
Bart & Lisa: Aaah! Dad, it burned your clothes off!
Bart: Now I KNOW there’s no God.

Ba’al of Confusion Pt. 2
Lisa starts

Lisa: Dad, I’m bored. As much as I love playing music, I’d like to dance too!
Homer: Sure honey, got a bunch of extra animal skins for you to wear.
Lisa: Eww.  These are real animal skins, dad. I only wear faux fur!
Make Lisa Dance Around the Bonfire- 4hrs, Earns 40 Antlers


What are your thoughts on the Tree Spirit?  Will you be picking it up or have you already?  Where have you placed it in your Springfield? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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