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Should I Spend Donuts On Sugarloaf Mountain?


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Pack your bags and prepare for an invasive screening at the airport because it’s travel time in Springfield! And while our towns are embracing their ever expanding airports, our donut bank is shrinking because there are LOADS of world items in our stores just tempting us with those sprinkles!

Of course with that limited-time label it can be tempting to buy everything that looks awesome because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should Sugarloaf Mountain to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this cable car tour in the sky to your Springfield…

Decoration/Building: Sugarloaf Mountain
Donut Price: 100 Dounts
Earns: 3% bonus on all cash and XP
Size: 12×10
 Vanity +200

Leaves Stores February 11th

-Interesting looking decoration for Springfield
-Comes with a small bit of dialogue for Marge and a task for her to lead a tour.
-Animated when in use (and when tapped), car moves back and forth on the wire

-Large footprint for Springfield
-Task for Marge is not permanent (at least as of this writing)
-3% bonus for 100 donuts spent is a terrible bonus return on donuts spent. (40 donuts typically gets you you can get 4% for 80 dounts spent…typically)

Final Thought
I like this one.  I like the design, I like the I grabbed it right away.  I’m not a fan of the fact that Marge’s task isn’t permanent (and I’m hopeful EA changes that), but I do like this one.

Honestly, if I were a freemium player I’d pass on this one. It’s expensive, large footprint, bonus % isn’t great for donuts spent & the task for Marge isn’t permanent.  Lots of negatives with this one…so Freemium players (unless you really love this design and think spending 100 donuts is wroth it), I’d pass on this one.  Save your donuts for characters/items that are coming down the pipeline.

Of course in the end it’s your decision, we can only tell you what we would or wouldn’t do.  And I can tell you as a premium player, I grabbed this one already. I really like the design of it. Just remember this is limited time, and will be leaving our stores soon.  Whatever you decide, So be sure to make your final decision before it’s gone from our games for good. (or for now..)

Here’s a look at the dialogue and task that pops up:

A View to Brazil
Lisa starts

Lisa: What a beautiful replica of Rio’s Sugarloaf Mountain, right down to the cable car.
Bart: Oh, this cable car is twice as strong as the original. The engineers were warned Homer might ride on it.
Marge: It’s the perfect place for me to show tourists the sights of Springfield. Thank goodness I knitted myself a tour guide umbrella.
Make Marge Lead a Tour- 1hr, Earns $105,26xp 

Marge then talks about 3 items that are currently in your Springfield (it’s completely random as to which ones she picks (and again it’s based on the items you have in your town).  Here are the options she can pick from:

-The Springfield Nuclear Plant is completely accident-free since it vaporized the town and started this game.

-Looking at the hills, you can see that a prankster has changed the Springfield sign to read “Springweed.”

-Our Monorail lowers property values of every neighborhood it runs through.

-Oh, look! It’s Stephen Hawking, Springfield’s smartest man. He invented black holes, and now he lives in one.

-The shop with a parking lot full of surly teens is the Kwik-E-Mart. Stop in if you need meat-substitute products!

-To the left you’ll see Banana Dictatorship, the home of super-skinny clothes that fit no woman in Springfield.

-To the right you can see the Escalator to Nowhere, now the second best location from which to view Springfield.

-Over there is the Duff Brewery. Looks like right now they’re straining the rats out of the vats.

-Oooh, you can see my house from here! And Homer sleeping naked in the hammock.

-From here you can just see King Homer peeking out. Please hide your bananas.

-The glittering lights at the casino are reflected off Grampa’s bolo tie as he gambles away our inheritance.

-That statue celebrates Jebediah Springfield, the town founder and dedicated polygamist.

-If you’re blinded by the Mansion of Solid Gold, there’s an optician at the end of the tour.

-For the best views of incoming flaming comets, check out the Observatory.

-The Two-Story Outhouse was built on the site of Springfield’s old pauper cemetery. They say ghosts will bum cigarettes.

-Springfield Airport holds the record for most cans of whipped cream confiscated by the TSA. All in Homer’s luggage.

What are your thoughts on Sugarloaf Mountain?  Will you be picking it up or have you already?  Where have you placed it in your Springfield? Which of Marge’s tour sayings did your game pick up? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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