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Should I Spend Donuts On the Discounted and Returning Premium “22 for 30” Items?


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Episode tie-ins are back!  EA wasted no time in bringing us some new content, and this time it’s an episode tie-in for this Sunday’s upcoming “22 for 30″ episode of The Simpsons.  And of course all new update (no matter how small) these days means premium content is back in our stores from events past, and often with a discounted price tag.

Of course with that limited-time label it can be tempting to buy everything that looks awesome because it’ll be gone soon.  But don’t sweat it!  That’s where we come in to tell you what’s worth those donuts and what you might want to hold off on.

Wondering if you should add any of the “22 for 30” tie-in discounted or returning premium items to your Springfield?  Well before you hit that confirm button let’s break down the pros and cons of adding this throwbacks to your Springfield…

Remember, unless otherwise noted, all of these items LEAVE stores March 15th…

Stand Alone Characters

Character: Shauna
Donut Cost: 90 Donuts
Previous Post: Should I Buy Shauna
My Opinion on Her Now: 90 donuts is a lot to pay for a stand alone character.  But it’s Shauna, one of the more recurring of the characters offered with this tie-in.  She’s also limited-time and one of those characters a lot of you “kick yourself” for not getting.  So if you’ve been wanting her now is your chance.  I own her, have for years.

Character: Patches and Poor Violet
Donut Cost: 100 Donuts
Previous Post: Should I Buy; Tasks etc
My Opinion on Her Now: Remains unchanged from the Winter 2016 post linked above, expensive for these 2.  Even if they pay double (2 for one character) over a regular premium character.

Character: Sophie Krustofski
Donut Cost: 110 Donuts
Previous Post: Should I Buy
My Opinion on Her Now: At 110 Donuts Sophie is the most expensive of the Stand Alone characters offered.  Unless you’ve missed out on her during previous events, and absolutely have to have her, I’d pass.  My opinion pretty much remains unchanged from 2015…

Stand Alone Buildings: 

Building: Sportacus
Donut Cost: 85 Donuts, Rebate 15 Donuts, NET 70 Donuts
Earns: $260 & 26XP/10hrs
Previous Post: Should I Buy
My Opinion on it Now:
My opinion remains unchanged from 2015, too expensive for a stand alone building.  The task isn’t permanent, so it’ll just sit there. Pass.

Building: Basketball Stadium (really should be an Arena)
Donut Cost: 90 Donuts, Rebate 10 Donuts, NET 80 Donuts
Earns: $500, 45xp/24hrs
Previous Post: Should I Buy
My Opinion on it Now:
My opinion remains unchanged from 2015, too expensive for a stand alone building.  The task isn’t permanent, so it’ll just sit there.  Pass.

Building: Half-Pipe
Donut Cost: 100 Donuts, Rebate 25 Donuts, NET 75 Donuts
Earns: $75, 7xp/3hrs
Previous Post: Should I Buy
My Opinion on it Now: 
Of the three buildings offered (considered a building because it earns income) this is the only one that has a task (for Bart, 3hrs).  So if you’re really itching to get one of these items this is probably your best bet from the building category.  My opinion remains unchanged from last summer.


Decoration: Soccer Net
Donut Cost: 20 Donuts
Bonus %: .5% bonus on all cash and XP (I believe this one is coded differently than the one you could craft during TapBall.  This earns a bonus %, the old one does not)
Previous Post: Details
My Opinion on it Now:
Unless you really need the Soccer Net for a design, pass.  Over priced for the bonus % offered.

Decoration: Tennis Machine
Donut Cost: 30 Donuts, 15 Donut R
Bonus %: .5% bonus on all cash and XP (I believe this one is coded differently than the one you could craft during TapBall.  This earns a bonus %, the old one does not)
Previous Post: Details
My Opinion on it Now:
Remains unchanged from 2015.  Unless you really need it for a design, pass.  Over priced for the bonus % offered.

Decoration: Homerclese Statue
Donut Cost: 40 Donuts
Bonus %: 2% on all cash and XP
Previous Post: Details
My Opinion on it Now: 
Bonus % is accurate for donuts spent, on par with other items.  If you like it and have a purpose for it grab it.  But don’t just get it for the bonus %…there are far better items to get, that will do more, for a bonus %.

Decoration: T-Ball Stand
Donut Cost: 50 Donuts, Rebate 15 Donuts, NET 35 Donuts
Bonus %: .5% bonus on all cash and XP 
Previous Post: Should I Buy
My Opinion on it Now:
Unless you really need it for a design, pass.  Over priced for the bonus % offered.  Opinion remains unchanged from 2015.

Decoration: Hot Squishee Stand (doesn’t come with snow)
Donut Cost: 65 Donuts
Bonus %: None
Previous Post: Details
My Opinion on it Now: 
Of all of the decorations offered with 22 for 30 this is by far the worst one to get.  Over priced, no bonus %.  I cannot stress to you enough how much of a pass this is.  PASS.

Building/Character Combo:

Only item that’s not returning content.  Coach K is always available in the store once unlocked, he’s just available for now with a discount.

Character: Coach Krupt
Building: Springfield YMCA
Donut Cost: 120 Donuts, Rebate 20 Donuts, Net 100 Donuts
Earns: $175, 18xp/6hrs
Previous Posts: Should I Buy
Opinion on It Now: I cannot stress to you enough how good of a deal this one is.  Any building/decoration character combo that you can get for around 100 donuts is a great price.  Grab this discounted combo while you can.

The Following Items will Appear in the Store IF you buy Anger Watkins.  They will appear after you’ve completed Pt. 4 of his Sportscasted questline.  They will completely leave the store, and not be available again on March 13th. (even if you purchase Anger Watkins after the date)

Building: Dead Lobster
Donut Price: 70 Donuts
Earns: 2.5% bonus on all cash and XP
Previous Post: details
Opinion on it Now: Meh, it’s ok.  Personally, i’d pass if I had to spend donuts on it.

Building: Phineas Q Butterfat’s
Donut Price: 80 Donuts
Earns: $275, 22xp/ 16hr
Previous Post: Should I Buy
Opinion on it Now: Remains unchanged all these years later, not really a great buy for donuts spent.  Unless you really love it, pass.

Building: Swanky Fish
Donut Price: 90 Donuts
Earns: $275, 22xp/ 16hr
Previous Post: Should I Buy
Opinion on it Now: High priced for a stand-alone building. While it’s one of my favorite buildings in my Springfield, I don’t know that I’d spend donuts on it (I originally got it for free way back in 2013).  It’s a meh for me at that price point.

Character: Jacqueline Bouvier (Marge’s mother)
Building: Piggly’s Super Smorg
Donut Cost: 140Donuts, Rebate 45 Donuts, Net 95 Donuts
Earns: $135,15xp/4hrs
Previous Posts: Should I Buy
Opinion on It Now: If you are offered this deal, BUY IT.  This is a great price…phenomenal in-fact…for a canon Simpsons Character and building.  BUY IT.

And that my friends wraps up the details of all of the discounted/returning premium items back for the “22 for 30” Episode tie-in.

Remember, unless otherwise noted, all of these items LEAVE stores March 15th…

What are your thoughts on the items?  Which will you be picking up?  Passing on? Why or why not?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!


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