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Simpsons Did It…Again


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

So while we wait for an update to hit…or just the snow to leave Springfield…I thought it would be interesting to take a look at a couple new “Simpsons did It” Moments….

First, many of you commented about this when it happened in December, but for those who don’t know…The Simpsons totally predicted the House of Mouse buying FOX:

This was back in 1998. It took nearly 20 years but it came true.

Second, a more recent one.  This happened just a couple of days ago on January 14th in Santa Ana California.  An unfortunate car accident….a car was driving at an unsafe speed, hit the median, went airborne and got stuck in the side of a dentist office. The driver remained stuck in the car while it dangled from the building (two people ultimately suffered minor injuries, but in the end are ok.  Although the driver was arrested for DUI)

It looked like this:

I don’t think anyone has ever seen anything like this…or have they?

From Season 8, E17 My Sister, My Sitter….poor Moleman.

It’s becoming uncanny…and kinda creepy!

Thoughts? Just waiting for what’s next? Sound off below.

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