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Friday Filler on Thursday- Kicking Off a New Regular Feature – Town Tours


Thank Grog It’s Firday

Because we know that Act II is going to hit tomorrow, and we didn’t want this to get lost in the clutter of new posts about Act II (including the Calendar!), we are doing the Friday Filler on Thursday…which kind of kills the thrill of the work week being over. But, hey…I could just treat it like a Friday and start to “Get My Grog On” early!  Sounds like a plan!

As intimated (briefly) in the last Friday Filler, I am going to start featuring some short videos to showcase some of the best of the best, in designing and innovative use of their tapping time.  I was besieged (in a nice way) with replies…and had to remove the call to submit after only a few hours.  But, I will continue doing this for the foreseeable future, as I LOVE seeing people that actually put time and effort into their designs (No PLOPPERS PLEASE). It also inspires me to make changes and additions to my own town.

So, let’s dive in. I think you are going to be amazed.

I realize that design is subjective. Not everyone has the same design aesthetics as everyone else. But, for me…what is important is answering the quetion, “Is this a Springfield in which I would like to live?”

For a town to be “livable,” it has to offer three key things…

1.Can you breath?? (I want to see lots of water, trees, flowers…real towns aren’t just expanses of green grass or dirt, broken up by roads. Well…except for Detroit…but I don’t want to live in Detroit).
2. Does the layout make sense? (Do roadways, buildings, utilities, and transportation actually come together to be a good municipal design?).
3. Does it offer unique, funny, fun, uses of the design tools to make the town fun and believable?  Yes…these are fantasies…but can fantasy and reality mix? Is it going to be interesting to visit…even in the downtime?

Of the towns that I saw, (and some of these were referrals from players who said, “Mine is good…but you have to see THIS town!“) there were some really fun, amazing designs.

There were a couple that simply blew off my socks…and shoes…and part of my pants. There were also a couple that simply made me go…”WOW! This guy REALLY likes…” and seemed obsessed (can you say monorail?) with certain aspects of the game.

The most important aspect of these great designs…is that it was very, very clear, that these tappers love tapping…and creating…and evolving.

As part of this ongoing series, I will also show segments of my own town.  I am doing this, because I feel strongly that “critics” should be able to prove that they are worthy of critiquing others.  This comes from my hatred of music, media, and art critics who tear down artists, but do not have an artistic bone in their bodies. Those “Best 100 guitarist” lists in Rolling Stone made me cancel my subscription. But, I digress…

The point is, it’s only fair to critique, if you also put yourself out there.

So…let’s start with the fact that one or two of my neighbors have set a new level of aspiration and inspiration for me.  I am, after telling the world that I love my town…now kind of unhappy with certain aspects. This is like almost any other social media situation where you end up becoming depressed, because you keep seeing your “friends” on trips to Europe, or the South Seas, or on Safari in Africa. At some point…especially if you are ensconced in your “man cave” writing a TSTO blog…you say, “ENOUGH!!!  I can change! I am not that bad!!!! I want MORE!!”

But, as it pertains to this article and design concepts, if you are rational, you will look at some of these designs and say,” Damn…that is amazing…I need to get to work! I could do that!!

But, some just can’t.  Design aesthetics are innate. Yes…you can learn the basics, and even learn to copy certain aspects. But, some people just have a natural design creativity that makes you stand back (or hold your padular device at arm’s length), and say…”Holyfreakinshirt! That is beautiful!!

But, before I go to the “gold standard,” I am going to show you a “total miss” and a “truly obsessed mono-railer” that needs to be seen. And, I will reveal my secret “peeing man” once and for all, so my neighbors can see it. Maybe then they will realize why I need to have it where it is.

There is no “best way to tap,” as how you design and play is subjective and very personal.  That said, I am going to be “grading on a curve,” with a “Gold Standard” at the top, and super-ploppers at the bottom.  And to be fair…after seeing the real “Gold Standard,”  (at least so far), I have to give myself a C- at best. Maybe even a D. So, no worries about those who left me feeling lacking when observing. I’m right there with you!

First… a True PLOPPER. Why even bother?????????  Just jamming through the events, to move on to the next thing…and then just plopping it down, so you can move on to the next thing.

Now…our “Obsessed Monorailist.”  One look, and you’ll get it. He has so much space dedicated to monorails…in a multi-rail fashion, that he loses some of the other design aesthetics.  BUT MAN… I LOVE watching the various monorail lines interact. This guy has GOT to be a model railroad enthusiast.

Now…the GOLD STANDARD. It’s the details…so…many…details!  I’m going to do a whole post on this town in the future, because she really does encompass the best of all worlds…a high % return on XP, without sacrificing incredible design aesthetics.  It. Is. Simply. Gorgeous.

To share a couple of “insider details” on Ebron’s town…she frequently hits the “hard item limit.”  This means she actually goes waaaaaaaay beyond the warning, until she gets the “Congratulations…you  have placed the limit of (fill in the blank) items. Please remove or store items to continue” warning. It is currently at 10,700…she knows, because she just hit it again!

No worries…she just blows something up, and starts over…like Picasso…painting several paintings on a single canvas. She never stops creating.

But, what about her earning percentage, and hiding all of those Bonus % items in her town?

Quoting Ebron, “I’m at 1355%…add in 15% hidden from 3 SH modern mansions in my town and I end up at around 1370% bonus. I also have around 150% stored from SH and other various items that I pull out for a day when I farm RTTrucks (and then turn the collider on for a day)…The funny thing is…it didn’t take any more time or effort to reach this multiplier. I just played the game like everybody else, but focused my purchases for a year on only characters and xp bonus items.  I bought mystery boxes (you’ll see there are quite a few news vans and billboards in my town) and multiples of “bonus % bargains” whenever I could find them. I think I have a total of 30 something mini-nukes hidden behind buildings somewhere.”

Hidden is right. Unlike loads of other towns I saw, where the “bonus area” is just a dumping wasteland, Ebron incorporates all of her earning power into her designs. More on Ebron on another post.

And finally…my “peeing man” revealed. I’m embarrassed to say, that it was one of the first weird features I designed…(when I got Springfield Falls), and has been part of my town since.  I love the way the waterfall sets the concept…and still laugh when I see the “snake rock” nipples.  Yes. I have the humor quotient of a 12-year-old.

This was fun...and I have a TON of other towns to show off.

Ok…sorry…but I was inundated again with my “challenge.”   Full up.  Will be looking at new towns for weeks! 

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