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Details Before Marge at the Bat Update Goes Live


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Please note, at the time of this post going live the content is NOT live in the game.  It will not go live until 10a ET (1400 UTC) on April 10th)

So as I wrote about yesterday, an update hit the files titled “Marge at the Bat”.  Upon first glance, this looked like a pretty standard mini-event.  Two weeks of content, and not much else.  However, as I’ve dug deeper into this I’m not quite sure what to make of it….

For starters, this will last two weeks. (end date is April 24th) However, there is ZERO new content with this update, at least as of the initial file release.

Everything associated with this event, with the exception of the questline, is returning content.

There’s a new 8 part questline, with the tasks taking approx. 32 hours total to complete. (8 parts, and each part has tasks @ 4hrs in length) However, the questline offers no clues to what’s going on.  No hints in the dialogue about anything.  Just a standard TSTO play off of an episode.

The questline will give out 5 returning skins and characters (Aristotle Amadopolis, Tennis Marge, Softball Burns, Baseball Jasper, and Referee Homer), but it’s not offering anything new.  Not even a tiny decoration.  Nothing.

So what does it mean?  Honestly, I don’t have a clue.  Feels like they’re trying to stretch to buy more time.  Could be a teaser, but usually, teasers are labeled “Teaser” in the files.   This one doesn’t have teaser written anywhere in the title.  Does that mean it’s not a teaser?  No.  Still could be one.  Or could just be something completely random to buy themselves more time for something.

Or they could just be taunting everyone who checks the files with this, and they may add more content tomorrow morning.  Who the heck knows.

Does this mean we won’t get an update next week?  Still possible, since this one won’t take that long.  We’ll just have to wait and see.  (of course, next week would be “perfect”, considering I’m slated to go on vacation next week.  My luck would be EA releases a massive update at that point…)

Before you start your doom and gloom, for those of you who have been on the doom and gloom kick lately, remember EA has licensed this game from FOX.  That licensing agreement, assuming it didn’t expire (by date) carried over with Disney purchased FOX.  Disney upholds those agreements (as evident by Marvel in Universal Orlando and not Disney World).

And with that, we wait until 10am and see what happens next.  We’ll still have posts about “Marge at the Bat” for you, as well as the continuation of EPPP confidential, Monday Morning Math, and loads more.  So keep checking back, even if the game is boring you we still have fun around here! 🙂


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