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TSTO Musings About EA’s New Content Teaser…


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Another TSTO Thursday and as usual I have some thoughts for you.  This time I’m musing about the upcoming update teaser we got from EA earlier this week.   I’ve got a bunch of thoughts so let’s get to ‘em…

-So now that it’s Thursday morning and we still don’t have new content in TSTO, it’s pretty clear EA popped out that little Facebook Teaser to keep everyone calm for (at least) another week of no new content.  Which is good and bad.  It’s bad in the sense that now that Pandora’s Box (new content) has been opened we all want it now!  But it’s good for a few reasons.

First, even though there’s no new content update EA actually made a statement about the future of TSTO.  And the future is still very bright for our favorite pocket-sized towns!  We’ve been asking EA for months to just say something about the future of TSTO because the silence (and lack of updates) was driving folks mad with speculation.  And finally, they’ve made a statement!  Exactly what we’ve been asking for, about not 1 but two upcoming events for our favorite yellow family.  Only took a month + but looks like EA finally learned that silence isn’t a good thing in the TSTO Community.

– I think it’s hilarious that the “actual Simpsons writers” were totally thrown under the bus in EA’s “statement” when it was the “actual Simpsons writers” that initially were responsible for calming the wild speculation about the end of TSTO.  If it wasn’t for Matt Selman’s tweets a lot of Tappers would have lost their minds…and there’s no telling if that Real Moms of Springfield mini-event would have even hit.

So I think EA should be thanking the “actual Simpsons writers” for saving their PR bacon…and maybe this is their way of doing it.  A little touché from EA…

-So let’s talk about these new upcoming events…

First, Game of Games.  I know a lot of folks are thinking it could be a play off of Game of Thrones, which would make sense given the Game of Thrones popularity.    But, to me, it’s a little odd to me for Game of Thrones. That episode of The Simpsons has been done in the game.  (Serfsons anyone?)  So yes, there are still skins and some buildings we could get but we already have a bunch of the content.  So unless this is going to be a ton of returning content with this event, I don’t think it’s Game of Thrones.  And if it is Game of Thrones, I would expect that to be a mini-event.

So we’ll have to see.  We might think Game of Thrones, and EA may give us a twist on (my favorite) THOH episode, THOH XXI…the one with the War and Pieces mini-episode.  You know the one where the board games come to life?  (don’t remember this one?  You can check out my 2013 post all about it here)

Now how about the Flanders family reunion?  Well, first off this one is pretty self-explanatory….

(thanks Geoffy2357 for posting this Youtube in the comments the other day!)

I can see this playing out as either a mini-event or a main event with Flanders galore!

-In either case, with these (and future) updates let’s just hope EA brings back fun elements to the gameplay.  Things like the Stonecutters Sacred Parchment Puzzles, Casino Games, even a Clash of Clones style of gameplay (where you had to defend from and attack your neighbors).  Those were fun elements of gameplay that kept players engaged in the game for longer than…tap, clear, and reset tasks.  I think the TSTO Community at large is “itching” for some unique gameplay, and we’re all hoping after a long hiatus EA’s going to bring it!

And of course, as always…once we have any information regarding an upcoming update (and can share it with you) we’ll let y’all know!  For now, everything is just speculation on what each update may bring…

Thoughts? Care to share your own musings?  What topic do you think I should tackle in my next musings post?  Sound off below, you know we love hearing from you!

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