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TSTO Musings About Tagging


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Another TSTO Thursday and as usual I have some thoughts for you.  This time I’m musing about…tagging.  Yes, it’s time for me to finally weigh in on the topic Patric loves to talk about.  I’ve got a bunch of thoughts so let’s get to ‘em…

-First of all, let’s talk about Patric for a minute….
Love him or hate him you’ve got to respect the guy for going all out and really investing himself in a topic.  I give him credit for his passion and emphatic debating skills….or just his cranky pants.  Either way, the guy is passionate about Tagging and he’s really sparked some fun in your guys in an otherwise boring time. So let’s give him credit for that.

-I’ve been largely silent on the whole Tagging debate.  Why?  Simply because I just don’t care.  I never have.  I’m indifferent about tagging.  Tag me.  Don’t. I don’t care. I never have.
To me, it is what it is.  I chuckle when I see certain people tag me (like you G-mama Dar!), but I’m not offended if I don’t get tagged.  I’m just indifferent about it.

-There are plenty of you out there, like me, who are just indifferent about tagging.  You can take it or leave it.  There are also plenty of you who really love tagging.  And plenty of you who hate it. And both groups have their reasons.
Of course, there are even some of you who have a weird tick about it.  They don’t know why they don’t like it, they just don’t.  Those are probably the people that hate the word “moist”…

-So if I’m indifferent about it why do we have a whole thread for tappers to add friends who won’t vandalize them?  Because why not? It’s something we started 5 years ago, and it’s just continued on since.

-I have noticed though that some folks get real…crazy when they get tagged by someone off the vandalize free page.  That I’m not ok with.  It’s a game.  No need to yell at someone or single them out.  Accidents happen.
Over the years we’ve had some really nasty things said on that thread…which is why you see a massive disclaimer about what you can and cannot say on the vandalize free thread. Putting people on blast for tagging has never been cool with me.

-The bottom-line, tagging IS part of the game (otherwise why would it be an option on the game?).  It ultimately has very little impact on your conform-o-meter…and you get points back for cleaning it up.  BUT…there are still some people who just don’t like it.  Just like there are some people who use the land dedicated to Springfield Heights as a junkyard.  Or those who leave their Christmas decorations/lights up all year long.
There’s no right or wrong way to play. BUT when it comes to how we treat each other there is a right way and there is a wrong way.  So let’s try and show each other a little compassion.  If someone tags you and you don’t like it, get over it.  Just tap the mop, clean it up, and move on.  Don’t put that person on blast for doing so.  EVEN if they do it all the time.  If you don’t like it, delete them and move on.
Likewise, if you have a neighbor you know hates being tagged, don’t do it. If you only want to tag your neighbors, then delete that neighbor that doesn’t like it.  There’s no need to tick each other off.

-So what about the future of the Vandalism Free Add Friends Page?  Well I’ll leave that up to you…sorta.  Ultimately I’m going to make the call, it is my site, but your voice does matter to me.  So answer the poll question here…and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments…and we’ll decide what to do about it.

Take Our Poll

-And finally…Patric has inspired me with all his tagging!  So look for a super fun contest to launch tomorrow (and run over the weekend) centered around tagging.  That’ll at least give us something to do while we wait for the next dang update….

Thoughts? Care to share your own musings?  What topic do you think I should tackle in my next musings post?  Sound off below, you know we love hearing from you!

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