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Musings About Premium Characters As Prizes…


Happy Musings Thursday my friends!  This week I’m musing about finding premium characters in our prize tracks during Simpsons Babies.  I’ve got some thoughts on it, so let’s get to ’em…

So the other day we finally ended our Addicts Live summer vacation and recorded our 50th episode!  (Look for the episode to air on Saturday)  And with the new format (pre-recording) we were able to get the whole Addicts gang together for the laughs.

Guys, this one was hilarious to record.  You never know what’s going to happen when we all get together, but you always know there’s going to be a lot of laughing.  And boy was there a lot of laughing.  Hopefully, you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed recording it.

Anyway…during the Addicts Live episode we brought up the fact that there are now Premium Characters on the prize track.  You’ll have to watch the show to hear the guys’ thoughts on the subject, but I thought I’d use this week’s musings post to elaborate a bit more on it.

For the record, I’m indifferent about it.  It doesn’t bother me one way or another. The more TSTO brings back premium content at a discounted (or free) rate, the less and less I get annoyed by it.  It used to really bug me that I’d spend 150+ donuts for something only to see EA re-release it a couple of years later at a discounted rate. (Mystery Boxes used to really drive me insane)  But, like I said before, the more they do it the less aggravated I get by it.

The way I look at it I’ve had x amount of time to enjoy the item.  By spending donuts, whether it be more donuts or donuts at all, on the item I gained myself the extra time and enjoyment with that character in Springfield.  Not to mention the added bonus of having Cash/XP (and potentially a bonus % if that character came with a decoration) generated by that character over time and in some cases the added bonus of event currency earned by that character.

In the case of Bleeding Gums Murphy, sure he was 165 donuts when he originally came out in August of 2017, but he also helped earn extra event currency for the Homerpalooza event.  His extra currency allowed me to finish the event faster so that I could enjoy more time with my family.  And since August 2017, BGM has not only provided me with entertainment in TSTO…he’s provided me with 2 years of earning income and XP in my game.  Income and XP which, in turn, can be used to generate more donuts to buy more characters. (Full disclosure, I do not donut farm.  But I know many of you do, and you’ll see the logic in where I’m going here)

So the way I look at it, sure newer players (or those who just skipped buying the premium item the first time around) have a little advantage now.  In that, they can that character for free.  But in the end I, and you if you too have the characters in Springfield, have the bigger advantage.  As you’re two years ahead of the game in cash/XP. And you’ve likely generated enough cash and XP with that 1 character over the time span to donut farm enough donuts to pay for that character over again, and then some.

One final note on this.  For those of you who think this is the first time EA has made a premium item free, you’re incorrect.  They’ve done this in the past.  Originally in 2012, Kang was released in Springfield as a premium character. A premium character, with the Ray Gun, that cost 100 donuts.  1 year later, Halloween 2013, Kang was awarded for FREE via the questline.  And you could buy Kodos for 150 donuts. A few years later both Kodos and Kang were awarded for free to those who didn’t purchase them, as they were an important part of the Halloween update.

So this isn’t the first time this has happened.  And at least now, the premium characters are prizes.  So you have to do some work to earn them.  With Kodos and Kang they were just awarded for free when you started up the THOH update.

And that’s it guys, my latest round of random TSTO Musings. Thoughts? Care to share your own musings on the topic?  Sound off below, you know we love hearing from you!

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