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Musings About Cthulhu’s Revenge


Happy Musings Thursday my friends! This week I’m sharing some initial thoughts on the Cthulhu’s Revenge mini-event.  A middle of the road approach to it all.  And I compare this event to Garth Brooks…bet you didn’t see that coming!  So before Cthulhu seeks revenge on me,  I’ve got some thoughts, so let’s get to ’em…

So, I had intended for this musings post to go up earlier today…but the day just got away from me.  Much like the latest mini-event in TSTO, my day caught me completely off guard. So my apologies for those who were anxiously awaiting my thoughts… 😉

While we’re on the subject of this mini-event catching us all off guard, this one totally caught me off guard.  I was planning for today’s musings post to be about Halloween predictions, starting with the first one being Halloween would start next Wednesday (October 2nd)…and yea that’s not going to happen now.  So right out of the gate, my first prediction was wrong! Goes to show you none of us really know what we’re talking about, and we’re all just shooting from the hip.

So, instead of talking about Halloween predictions this week….I’m going to push them off until next week. (mixed with some wrap-up thoughts about this mini-event)  Starting with my boldest prediction yet….Halloween will start on October 9th.  Talk about going out on a limb with that one…

Anyway, let’s talk about this latest mini-event in Springfield…Cthulhu’s Revenge!

One thing is for sure, no one saw this coming.  And I like that.  I like EA keeping us on our toes every now and then.  Keeps things interesting.

Seeing a lot of mixed opinions about this one, big surprise.  I think every update since the dawn of TSTO time has elicited mixed options.  The TSTO community is many things, but opinionated is right up there at the top of that list! And that’s what makes this community awesome! No one is afraid to share their TSTO opinions.

Seems like with most events, everyone falls into 3 camps…and their opinions change based on the event content.

-The complainer’s group.  Those that say EA is unoriginal, everything is a retrend, and this is boring.

-The this is awesome group.  Made of mostly of people who missed out on this stuff the first time around, so they’re excited it’s back in Springfield.  Like reruns on TV…if you haven’t seen it, it’s new to you!

-And finally, the middle of the road group.  Those who like to see how things play out.  Those who understand why content returns, are happy to have new dialogue, think the prizes are meh but workable and are reserving judgment to see what happens when this is over.

With this event, I fall into the middle of the road group.  This is a pretty typical group for me to be in. The only time I was in the complainer’s group was Bart Royale.  Not that I’m still hostile towards that event or anything….

Right now we’re a day into this mini-event.  Hard to judge content 30 hours in.  And, much like everything in life, there are good things and there are bad things with this one. So, let’s tackle things from that middle of the road perspective.

The Good:

-Surprise event. Being kept on our toes is a good thing when it comes to TSTO.

-The prizes are better than Krusty’s Last Gasp. Yeah, I said it.  Because they are.  And it mostly comes down to the fact that the final prize is a full character.  An ugly looking full character, but a full character nonetheless.

-The dialogue is really funny.  We keep saying this, but it is!  The struggle between the M’nthster and Cthulhu, and Marge’s role is saving the world is hilarious!  Really enjoyable and entertaining.

-Cthulhu’s animated tasks are really amusing, some good work by the creative team on those.  Also, Cthulhu has an animated joint task with the M’nthster…which makes me giggle.

-The more into this event we go, the more I view this has a…I don’t want to say teaser because I don’t think it’s a teaser…but something to whet our appetites for Halloween.  A precursor for what may be next.  And that’s exciting.  It’s like getting two Halloween events in 1.  6 weeks of Halloween storylines, but two totally different themes.

The Bad:

-Bart Screen, Bart Screen, Bart Screen.  This still hasn’t been fixed, and it’s frustrating as anything for players.

-The annoying sound that plays when you start up TSTO, even with your sound settings off…is still there!

-A lot of returning content available as premium items in the shop.  Although it’s content that fits the theme of the mini-event, so it makes sense that it’s there.

-200 Donuts for the M’nthster is INSANE. Drives me almost as bonkers as the Clown College costing 100 donuts did.  Completely insane.

-Content-wise, this does seem like a rehash of Halloween 2015.  Actually, it seems like it’s a secret 5th Act that was written but never released.  Which, at least in my mind, almost makes it kind of cool.  It’s like when Garth Brooks sings the secret verse to Friends in Low Places during his live show…makes it feel special! Like you’re in on some behind the scenes that happened.

The bottom line is, you can’t please everyone.  Remember, for every 5 people that hate mini-events there are 5 people that love them.  For every 10 people that don’t want downtime, there are 10 people that are dying for downtime. For every 20 people that want more land tokens, there are 20 people that would rather have actual prizes instead of land tokens.  Everyone is different, everyone has a different opinion and that’s awesome.

Not everyone is going to be happy with something, but even if you’re not happy with something I encourage everyone to try to find the good in things.  Don’t always harp on the negative, as that’s no way to have fun in life…or in TSTO.

And I’ll add this in here once again this week…EA if you’re reading this, and let’s face it we know that you are…it would go A LONG way with players if you actually sent the event info teaser packet out BEFORE the THOH actually starts.  Build some hype for it.  Which was, you know, the whole reason you started sending out the info packets in the first place…

And that’s it guys, my latest round of random TSTO Musings. Thoughts? Care to share your own musings on the topic?  Sound off below, you know we love hearing from you!

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