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Festivus for the Rest of Us: Air Your TSTO Grievances


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Happy Festivus!  Yes, today, December 23rd, is officially Festivus…for the rest of us!

What is Festivus?  Well, although not created by the show Seinfield…it was really brought to light (and greatly exaggerated) by the show.  In particular, in an episode titled “The Strike”.

Here’s a little more about Festivus…via Seinfield:

So while we don’t have an Aluminum Pole…although I work for an Aluminum company, so I’ve got plenty in my office…and there will be no feats of strength on this site today, I still want to celebrate Festivus…in the best way possible.  By airing our TSTO Grievances!

I feel like 2019 has been an up and down year in TSTO, one in which the players have a lot of pent up frustration and anger towards EA.  So let’s use this Festivus to air those Grievances about TSTO!

Mad about multi-events?  Angry about a lack of new content during events?  Ticked about long wait times between events? Annoyed with land tokens? Wish EA would just give TSTO a little bit of effort?  Tell everyone in the comments below!  (just keep it clean, watch your language, and keep everything directed at TSTO….not each other)

So go ahead and air those grievances, it’s a great way to end 2019!

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