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Musings About Bart the Bad Guy


Happy Musings Thursday my friends! I’m back with another musings post for you.  I’ve got some thoughts, so let’s get to ’em…

So this week I’m going to step on Safi’s toes a little bit.  Hopefully, I’ll avoid the Gangrene ones… This week I wanna talk about the upcoming episode of The Simpsons.

This week’s episode is called “Bart the Bad Guy”, and here’s the promo image released for it:

Initial thoughts just from the poster…I’m not sure how I feel about it.

The synopsis didn’t ease those feelings…

Bart accidentally sees a brand-new superhero movie a month before it comes out… and the world cowers before his newfound plot-spoiling powers. Thus, a new super-villain is born: Spoiler Boy! Can heroic movie executives stop Bart before he succumbs to the temptations of ultimate evil?

And I get it.

I get that Disney now owns FOX, and that opens up an opportunity for more crossover opportunities…but I feel like now we’re just reaching to see how much Disney can be intertwined into FOX and The Simpsons.

Admittedly, I’m not big into the superhero world. I’m aware of the Marvel characters (and DC for that matter), but I’m not someone who’s going to go to the movies and check out the newest movie released.  I giggled as I rode Disneyland’s (ok DCA) Avengers/Tower of Terror ride, but truthfully I’ve never seen an Avengers movie.

And I’m sure my lack of Superhero expertise shapes my opinion on this but…

I just feel like when it comes to The Simpsons…what’s wrong with Radioactive Man? What’s wrong with the dozens of Superheroes we have roaming the streets of our Springfields right now from not one, not two, but FOUR Superhero “events”?! Why do we need to dip the yellow toes (no gangrene, thankfully) into the Marvel pool?  Just because FOX and Disney are the same company now, doesn’t mean we need endless crossovers!

The Simpsons are at the best when it’s trying to avoid the copyright issues, and creates its own offshoots of popular items.  Like EFCOT.

Anyway, that’s just my opinion on it…what do you think?

For those interested, here are more promo images from the upcoming episode:

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Thoughts?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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