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TGIF- Of Cheaters, Lockdowns and Mask


Thank Grog It’s Firday!

Although…Firday doesn’t feel a whole lot different than Mernday. So much for retirement.  All of my “casual clients” in my “semi-retirement” mode, have all been in a state of crazy PIVOT mode…along with all of my volunteer work, and more Zoom hours than any human should have to endure.  I have a zillion balls in the air…and they are all on fire.

I found the last bit of this update, horribly ironic.  There is nothing like a dialogue about cheating in baseball, when we are being cheated OUT of baseball!  One of the things I loved the most about Baseball, was the lack of overt cheating (spitballs and corked bats don’t count).  But, like so many other things…technology has sullied the game I once loved.

Of course the bit about the Isotopes was a thinly veiled reference to the horrendous Astros scandal.  It was funny…mostly… But, it made me think of so many other cheaters in the world. 
I don’t even have to get political…to state the obvious.  Politics these days is full of cheaters.  But, we have come to expect it.  But, dammitall…BASEBALL??? And no…I’m not talking about the decades of “Juicers” who ruined any legitimate quest for a Home Run record without a asterix next to it.

But, the obvious ones aren’t the head scratchers.  I mean, how does A-Rod get a pass…and a hot wife…and the ear of people who actually matter? And Pete Rose is still selling autographs in Vegas?  Oh. Wait. Maybe that’s why he’s still not in the Hall of Fame…BECAUSE he keeps gambling…without apology.  But, I digress.

The Astros…and their silly spying-trash-can-beating scheme, would be hilarious, if it didn’t help them win a World Series. And I’m not sure it is super funny in TSTO…but at least Buck ends up getting thwarted.

But, it’s all relative… Right?  I mean, I KNOW we are all going batshit crazy in lockdown mode. I even had my cataract surgery postponed, and had to buy some cheesy magnifying glasses from Amazon, so I could see the TV better. They don’t work.  What a surprise. Made in China. $12. But, they ARE hilarious!!

But, then…I got the word from Emma, our project manager for our work in Uganda, with a copy of the notice that ALL Ugandan citizens got last week. As in a complete national shut down.

Be honest…Westerners would “Lose their freakin’ heads” if they had to abide by these rules…and the military was wandering the streets…armed…enforcing the lock-downs.  So… the fact that I can still golf (but can’t see my ball) but, without food service or a drink cart…well…boo-freakin-hoo.  Right?

Rumor has it, they are going to want us to start wearing masks.  I have already been doing that. I had two (2) masks left over from construction work, when I was scraping off “Popcorn ceilings” during our kitchen remodel.   I gave one to my wife, who is still having to deliver food boxes to some of the families at her school.

I wear mine…if I go out in search of TP or ground turkey.

Although I have altered it a bit to make it look more friendly when I go out...wearing rubber gloves. It’s a weird world.  Might as well make others smile…right?

But, I am worried about all those who have to keep going to work in the “essential businesses.”  And yes…I am also concerned that liquor stores and gun and ammo stores have both been deemed “essential.”  I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that movie. Not sure I like the ending.

But, in the meantime…I decided to try a few DIY mask designs.  There are LOADS of them on the internet.  Just Google, “Make Your Own Mask” and then ignore anything that seems to be related to the movie “Eyes Wide Shut,” or the “Plushie Movement.”

In any case…my problem is that I have a Melon Head, as my wife describes it. It is large and “Full ‘O Brains,” but it is also harder to buy “All-fit” hats.  They don’t…and I am part of the “All.”

I measured…and couldn’t find a stencil big enough to measure my noggin.

And had to modify the template I found online…to fit my noggin…


So…I initially thought I’d just go “Mr. Robot” with a tightly drawn Hoodie.

But, in the end…I came up with a great design…using stuff you would find around any home.  Well…almost any home.


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ARE YOU WEARING YOUR MASKS??? Practicing Social Distancing??? Being Safe?  DO IT!!

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