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Simpsons Wrestling Prize Guide: Act 1, Prize 5 Captain Flag


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Update time in Springfield!  We’re all getting antsy sitting at home, so it’s nice to have an update to focus on! What’s in store for us this time? Well, it’s time for Burns and Aristotle Amadopolis to have yet another clash of tapping proportions! Loads of dialogue with this one, so be sure to read along to see what happens! And of course, I’ll be posting it as each week wraps up…

The Simpsons Wrestling Event follows the same event structure of the Multi-Events before it.  This event consists of 4 parts (or Acts), with each part lasting just over a week (10 days) and taking us through a new part of the event!

For Act 1 we’re tasked with collecting boas!  Each part of the story will unlock another prize themed for the first part of the story.

So let’s take a look at prize 5…Captain Flag!

Captain Flag is a  brand new character for Springfield, and part of the Simpsons Wrestling Character Collection:

How You Unlock it:
Enter the Golden Ring Pt. 5
Make Mr. Burns Exhort Wrestlers to Train Harder- 4hrs
Collect Feather Boas-  x125.

Once achieved you’ll unlock the Captain…

More Info:

WDTCF: “Gorgeous Grampa” S24, E14
Voiced:  No

Captain Flag does come with a full questline, here’s a look at that questline:

The Patriot Pt. 1
Lisa starts

Lisa: *gasp* America Man?!
Captain Flag: No, little girl. I’m Captain Flag. Defender of the Stars and Stripes. Suplexer of Terrorists. Champion of–
Lisa: Never heard of you.
Captain Flag: Guh.
Make Lisa Look Up Captain Flag- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp
Make Captain Flag Spread Patriotism- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45cp
Lisa: Captain Flag, it’s so great that you’ve come to spread patriotism in Springfield. It’s one of the things we’re sorely lacking, along with healthy food, competent medical care, and honest government officials.

The Patriot Pt. 2
Captain Flag starts

Captain Flag: What happened to this town, hopeless child?
Lisa: It’s Lisa.
Captain Flag: No matter. I see a town suffering from a complete lack of patriotism!
Bart: I’m suffering from not seeing your famous Twisting Piledriver!
Captain Flag: My wrestling days are over. But I can give Springfield a heavy dose of Old Glory!
Bart: Eh, I’d rather have the Piledriver.
Make Captain Flag Proudly Wave the Flag- 1hr, Earns $70, 17xp
Captain Flag: No one is paying attention to me or my Stars and Stripes!
Lisa: Hey, your flag only has forty-eight stars on it.
Captain Flag: Alaska and Hawaii be damned. There are enough problems in the lower forty-eight!

The Patriot Pt. 3
Lisa starts

Lisa: Captain Flag, maybe try spreading patriotism from inside the ring. You’d have all of Springfield watching.
Captain Flag: I can’t get back in the ring alone! I’m a tag team, and my partner Half-Mast is M.I.A.!
Homer: M.I.A… Munched In an Accident?
Lisa: Missing In Action, Dad.
Homer: That’s horrible! Not as horrible as Munched In an Accident, but still pretty horrible.
Make Captain Flag Consider a Comeback as a Solo Act- 8hrs, Earns $275, 70xp

The Patriot Pt. 4
Moe starts

Moe: Mr. Flag, yer patriotism problem is because people here in Springfield are already so very American. You got yer hot dogs, baseball, apple pie and… *bald eagle screeches from the corner* Shut up, you dumb bald-headed bird!
Barney: And where else on planet Earth can people pull off jean shorts! *burp*
Captain Flag: Jean shorts, eh? I suppose I could give ‘em a good ol’ American try.
Make Captain Flag Wear Jean Shorts in the Ring- 4hrs, $175, 45xp

The Patriot Pt. 5
Captain Flag starts

Captain Flag: This town is hopeless! Never in my long career traveling between backwater burgs with local wrestling leagues have I experienced a group of people so wildly un-American. Springfield, get ready to be Suplexed!
Make Captain Flag Suplex EVERYONE- 4hrs, Earns $175, 45xp

On Job Start:
Lisa: He’s… he’s done it. He’s reached peak America.
Homer: *crying* It’s so beautiful.

Captain Flag’s Permanent Tasks:

Task Length Earns Location
Proudly Wave the Flag 1hr $70, 17xp Outside/Visual
Suplex EVERYONE 4hrs $175, 45xp Outside/Visual
Search Back Alleys for Half Mast 8hrs $275, 70xp Moe’s/Brown House
Sign Autographs as your Captain 12hrs $420, 100xp Town Hall/Brown House
Sew More Stars Into the Flag 24hrs $600, 150xp Town Hall/Brown House

And that’s it my friends, the details on Captain Flag…the

Up next? Nothing.  You’re finished with Act 1.  Nothing to do but wait until Act 2 starts up Friday morning at 10am ET. (Sorry guys, clearly I have quarantine brain…)

Thoughts on the first week?  How are you doing with the prize track? Still working on it? (don’t worry Act 2 doesn’t start until Friday, so you’ve got a couple more days than usual)  Sound off below!

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