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Stonecutter #908… The Chosen One


Well hello there fellow Stonecutters!

Wookiee aka Stonecutter #504 chiming in to talk about yet another skin EA gave us with this amazing event.  Anyone who took a couple days to play this event got the skin and I think that’s pretty dang sweet.  I’m of course talking about Stonecutter #908, Homer Simpson.

The Stonecutter episode (“Homer the Great”, S6:E12), is one of the fan favorites from the 552 episodes that have been made to date.  I revolves around a secret society and is full of great gags, jokes and puns.  Anyone who’s ever read anything about societies like the Elks or Masons or even read fiction about the Illuminati or Knights Templar would probably enjoy this one.  Even if you have no clue about any of that, it is a hilarious 22 minutes.

Short summation of the episode (because Jebus knows I’ve said enough in other posts) is (SPOILER ALERT… cast your eyes elsewhere if you don’t like those)….

Homer finds out about a secret club in Springfield, initially is cast out, finds a way in, messes up and is cast out again only for the club to find out he is the propesied “Chosen One”.  He takes his seat a rightful leader of all Stonecutters (not just the Springfield Chapter) and without messing up, gets cast out again this time in the form of abandonement.

But why was Homer the Chosen One?

It has been foretold on the Sacred Parchment that someday a Chosen One would arrive to lead the Stonecutters to glory. He would be identified by “The Mark”, a distinct birthmark which is basically the Stonecutter emblem which Homer has on his behind. I know this predates Tenacious D by forever but I can’t help laughing at yet another a**mark.

I don’t know about all of you, but the term Chosen One really makes me think about things other than The Simpsons though. Just for fun, I thought I’d list a few others:

You know I have to start off this list with Star Wars, right? The prophecy of the Chosen One was an ancient Jedi legend that foretold the coming of a being who would restore balance to the Force. The prophecy detailed the birth of one strong in the Force, conceived by the midi-chlorians themselves and an agent of the Force in its purest form. This being would bring balance to the Force by vanquishing the Sith. Think of the Force as a healthy symbiotic relationship and the Dark Side as a cancer. For anyone unfamiliar with the Epic Saga that is Star Wars, the Chosen One was Anakin Skywalker aka Luke’s father.  I also did a 2D and Simpsons references if you’re interested.

The other big Chosen One who always comes to mind is Chandler Jarell (played by Eddie Murphy) in the 1986 film The Golden Child. That movie still is so entertaining for me.

Of course, biblically, there are Chosen Ones and Chosen People. King David was always one of my favorites even if he wasn’t completely perfect. I also really loved the story of Joseph but that might have more to do with my first name.  In fairness, other religions besides Judaism and Christianity to include Mormonism, Rastafarianism and the Unification Church of Korea believe in “Chosen People” but I’m straying from my point.

While we talk about the Chosen One, I have to ask, was Harry Potter really the one or did anyone besides me root for Neville Longbottom? I think he had the most growth in the series but I do always root for the awkward nerds.

There also was a The Chosen One movie in 2010 starring Rob Schneider but I gave up on his comedies a while ago. Him being any sort of Chosen One makes as much sense as Tim Tebow and Lebron James being nicknamed this. Lots of Chosen Ones to pick from besides Homer J. To keep this short I’ll just add Neo in The Matrix and Po from Kung Fu Panda to the list.

Regardless, now you know a little bit more about Homer as The Chosen One. To point out a crucial fact, no matter whether your special or not, you have to have others around who care, otherwise you’re just re-enacting the Civil War all alone with a pack of Globus Monkeys.

Of all the Stonecutter skins, this one is by far the most fun with THREE great outdoor animations (four if you have Jasper).  Here’s the list cuz I know how some of you love them.

Task Task Length Payout Location
Quick Drink at the Stonecutter Lodge 1 hr $80/ 17XP Stonecutter Lodge
Run the Stonecutter Daycare 2hr $125/ 27XP Stonecutter Daycare
Be the Chosen One 4 hr $190/ 45XP Outside
Attend a Secret Meeting 8 hr $300/ 70XP Stonecutter Lodge
Wear the Stone of Triumph 10hr $400/ 90XP Outside w/Stone of Triumph
Sing the Stonecutter Song 12 hr $495/ 100XP Outside w/Stonecutter Table
Get Paddled 16hr $1400/ 325XP Outside w/#5 aka Jasper
Feast at the Stonecutter Lodge 24 hr $700/ 150XP Stonecutter Lodge


That about sums up this new skin and some other random thoughts from the fuzzball.  Keep on collecting them emblems like the classy tappers I know you to be.

TTFN… Wookiee out!

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