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From the Mouths of Addicts: A Conversation with Qtuappele


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Welcome to another edition of From the Mouths of Addicts, where YOU get to sound off on anything and everything in the world of Tapped Out!  This week’s post is all about our Tapper of the Month for July qtuappele!

Back on July 10th we announced the TSTO Communities of Topix, Addicts & game voted qtuappele as the Tapper of the Month during our monthly Shout Out!  As part of the Tapper of the Month we interviewed qtuappele to get a better feel for why she created her Springfields the way she did and some advice she might have for other Tappers when it comes to design.

So without further ado let’s see what she had to say!

The basics:

Origin ID: qtuappele
A little more about qtuappele:
“Hi there, my name is Diana F. My husband and i have been tapping the same springfield town like a year and a half ago.
We are from mexico, and use iPad for this game, also would be great if you visit our town. Our user is: qtuappele.
The image is huge! because we have a massive town, and we love every part of it!”

Qtuappele’s Springfield:
click image for full version 

Q & A With Qtuappele:

Addicts: What are your favorite decorations to use and why?   

Qtuappele: The trees, because, like in real life they make everything more living and pretty.

A: How long did it take you to decide how to design your town? 

Q: At the right time i see the building, i exactly know how i want it look.

A: What was your inspiration for your design? 

Q: At first i wanted an exact replica of the tv show, but then i realized that everybody had the same idea, So i decided to change it for my version of my ideal Springfield; and employ the use of irony some times, for example the SWAT van in front of Fat Tony mansion, or the police patrol parked on the krusty Burger window.

A: What brought you to our silly lil site? 

Q:  I was searching tips about the last challenge of the game, and the answer just pop out from your site,Then suddenly  i read: “donuts free”…. Then I became intrigued. 😀

A: What keeps you sticking around our silly lil site? 

 Q: I found a kind community on your site :), i get information, and neighbors!

A: What do you like best about each Addicts Team Member (Alissa, Bunny, Wookiee)? 

Q: They are courteous and friendly, great web managers, and they keep innovation on their site. 

A: What will buy with your donuts?  

Q: I think I’m going to wait for the next challenge, and if any building is pretty i’ll buy it. but unlike, anything catches my attention  i’ll buy the Apu’s apartment. 

A: What made you decide to enter into the Shout Out competition? 

Q:Something good must bring this hobby….. right?…right?

A: What suggestions would you give to other TSTO Addicts of how to manage/design their towns? 

Q:  Enabling you to set your imagination free; and i Quote Frank Lloyd Wright: “Architecture is the triumph of human imagination over materials, methods and men, to put man into possession of his own earth” 

Q: What is your Favorite in game Character? Building? Decoration? …and why?

Q: My favorite(s) Character(s) are actually, Homer and March having a date all over town. My favorite building is the Cletus Spuckler’s farm. In my town all the year is christmas in there!, and is surrounded by nature.
And finally, about my favorite Decoration, i have not decided in my own mind, the big wooden boat is pretty,  always floating over the sea, and the the Krusty’s roller coaster, because i just love the Roller coasters XD.

Finally i want to thank the fellow members of this community for voting in favor of my town. And i apologize for grammar, English is my 3rth language. 😉

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer our questions Qtuappele!  And congratulations again for being our Tapper of the Month for July!

Well that’s it for this week’s edition of From the Mouths of Addicts.  What did YOU think of Qtuappele’s Designs?  What designing have you done in your Springfield?  Did you enter this month’s Shout Out? (send your submissions to  Sound off in the comments below.  You know we LOVE hearing from you! 🙂

Once a week (at least) we plan on showcasing your words (art or video) for the world, and TSTO Community, to read!  Here’s your chance to sound off on anything and everything in the world of Tapped Out.  Simply send in your posts to our Addicts email account: (many of you already do) and we’ll do the rest!  We’ll pick (at least) one post to be showcased here on Addicts every week.  So send us your posts…we can’t wait to see what you have to say!

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