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Where Did THAT Come From – The Shadow Knight


Well hello there friends.  Halloween is quickly approaching but that won’t stop me from doing an origin post on our latest premium offering in the TSTO Clone Wars.  If you’ve been curious about where the Shadow Knight came from or just like my ramblings please click more.

So, if you purchased this bad boy you have read all the dialogue between Bart and Milhouse about this character skin not making sense in Springfield.  It’s from a game within the Simpsons.  What game?  Well, let’s head off to Season 18, Episode 17: “Marge Gamer”.

Marge discovers the internet and Lisa is so proud of her. Just like Christopher Columbus, Marge found something millions of people already knew about. Sorry but that line is EPIC.   Marge is ready to surf “Wahoo or Yippee or AOK or pookadooka… whatever it’s called.”  “That internet has it all!”

Nerd note: In this episode Marge let us know she has the same birthday as Randy Quaid. Make sure you mark your calendars for October 1st next year. We missed it this go round. Happy belated birthday Uncle Eddie.

Marge is viewing her empty e-mail inbox and is bummed no one has responded to her St. Paddy’s Day e-card.  What to do when bored on the internet? View random pop-ups of course.  One of these is for something called Earthland Realms… it’s like a Renaissance Faire but without all the chubby couples. Marge finds the game intriguing, has her character all set and is off to explore.

Turns out lots and lots of Springfieldianites play the game too.

Marge discovers all of them fear the Shadow Knight. He’s one bad mama jama but what citizen could it be?

Well, we already knew from TSTO but Marge discovers the Shadow Knight is none other than her baby boy, Bartholomew J. Simpson… and she’s proud of his destructive skills for once.

Marge starts following her son around much to Bart’s chagrin. Sure he doesn’t mind defending her with his fiery sword but how can that be worth Marge turning his gory trophy room into a pink mess courtesy of the Hello Kitty expansion pack?

Bart accidentally kills Marge in a fit of rage.

While that seems pretty sad, there’s heart at the end of this story. Bart sacrifices some of his life force to resurrect his mama. Sure the rest of the gamers take advantage of this and kill him but no big deal. After all, it is only a game and Bart can always go play outdoors. (Any one besides me seeing a theme lately with EA’s stuff?)

In a great segment, the Simpson family play soccer outdoors (this episode also has a B plot with Homer, Lisa and soccer) while Marge gets revenge for Bart’s death.

All in all a good episode poking some fun at gamers, especially the D&D style ones. While this new costume/decoration may be expensive, it really does tie in this whole Clone Wars event pretty nicely and proves that the show has done fantasy stuff like this before. Even cooler a lot of this characters animations are fitting tributes to its origin episode. It would have been cool to have had many more skins from this episode but oh well. What do you think of the Shadow Knight? Did you buy it? Like the episode it came from? Sound off below and as always… stay classy.

TTFN… Wookiee out!

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