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Happy Halloween!


This originally ran last Halloween but since our episodes remain the same…we decided to “re-run” these for you all this year!  So you can relive the THOH fun with us!  (Don’t worry we’ll still have all the necessary info up for the Alien invasion as well!) 

Hey Howdy Tappers!

Happy Halloween everyone! Today’s the day for Tricks & Treats, Pranks & Candy, Goblins & Ghouls…it’s the day we’ve been celebrating over and over again since the THOH update hit!

Here at TSTOAddicts Halloween is kind of a big deal & the Addicts writer’s have prepared a special treat for our readers today! Throughout the day we’ll be dropping in with little snippets and recaps of our favorite Treehouse of Horrors Episodes.

So it’s all treats here at TSTO Addicts, no Tricks we promise! (at least I promise. You never know what Bunny might do!)

Let’s kick things off with my favorite THOH episode. Let me preface this by saying, I’m not a big fan of Halloween itself. In fact, I know I’m a party pooper, Halloween tends to make me go ‘Bah Humbug’ around the Addicts Offices. Which usually leads to Bunny and Wookiee relentlessly harassing me!
Now before you all start throwing stones at me, let me explain why I can’t stand the ghostly holiday.  I don’t like to be scared. Plain and simple. I’d rather pee my pants from laughter than from being scared! (too much? Blame Bunny she locked me in the basement until I finished this post. I’ve got to stop drinking her “water”!)

So the fact that I don’t like to be scared (seriously I’m the one who stays up late watching CSI or Criminal Minds, then walks around my house with a kitchen knife because I think someone’s going to get me) naturally has led me to one of the funnier THOH episodes. To find it we’ll have to hop in our time machine way back to 2010, and THOH XXI. Ok so it’s not that far back, be thankful for the short trip!

First, of all (and I know this has nothing to do with my favorite episode) but the intro of THOH XXI kills me. Maybe it’s just because I’m a huge Office Fan. So the thought of the normal Simpsons couch gag entrance being replaced with Monster Mifflin just had me cracking up.

Anyway onto my favorite episode. That would have to be “War and Pieces”. When Marge is worried about how much time Bart and Milhouse are spending playing video games she insists they go up in the Attic and find a “less violent” board game to play.

After examining their options: Taffy Land, Drops and Risers, Consternation, Ravenous Ravenous Rhinos, Mouse Catch, Battle Boat, Funopoly, Crate of Apes, Yahtzu and Tiddlywonks they finally discover that old dusty game we all have in our Attic….Satan’s Path.

As Bart rolls the dice strange things start happening, Jumanji style. All of the other board games fly out the window and Mr. Funopoly comes crashing through the attic wall (what’s that about a “Banking Error” Mr. Funopoly?)

When Bart and Milhouse look outside they discover the games have come to life and are attacking Springfield.

They discover the only way to make it stop is to “finish the game”. As Bart does by attacking the crazy 8’s & catching the mouse in Mouse Catch.

Then, just like Jumanji, everything magically goes back to the way it was before they started playing. And Bart and Milhouse decide they better stick to Hangman (is there a 3?!)

Some of the funnier highlights of the episode?
Selma’s Mystery Dude:

Homer on the Drops and Risers game:

The nerds playing hockey with the bullies:

And Rod and Todd getting Kurplunk’d (come on who doesn’t giggle at that?):

Alright you ghouls and ghoulettes that’s it from me on this ghostly day. Enjoy the treats (and hopefully not too many tricks) from the Addicts team throughout the day!

Happy Halloween! (Bah Humbug!)

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