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Diary of a Wookiee: You spin me right round Santa right round


So I guess I should apologize first off if the title of this post got an awesome 80s song stuck in your head but I’m not going to.  First off I like the song and second off it makes me think of The Wedding Singer movie and that’s A-O-K in my book. How the heck are my favorite Christmas spy-catchers and elf-smashers doing? Enjoying all the snow in your towns?  You can ask Alissa and Bunny, I love when my town is full of snow.  Seriously take the time to scan your town for all the little details that go into TSTO Winter.  It’s sooooooooooo cool (pun intended)! Anywho… I was in the middle of doing Where Did THAT Come From posts for the 2014 Christmas Event and got to the destoryed holiday wheel and said to my self, “Self… you haven’t done a Diary of a Wookiee post in a while… maybe this new decoration would be the prefect excuse for some shenanigans?”

Well… I don’t know about shenanigans but here I am typing words about perhaps the most despised event item to ever be created by EA.  For those unacquainted with the wheel, it was the main feature of the 2013 TSTO Christmas Event where after you collected Krusty tokens from the Egg Nog Bar, gave you the “chance” to earn prizes.

Let’s just say despite game coded odds, a lot of folks felt like the wheel was rigged.  Lots of tappers either didn’t earn everything or were forced to use donuts for extra spins in the hope they would.  Alas, even some of these tappers didn’t.  Despite being one of the fortunate few to clear the wheel, it’s safe to say most tappers came to despise the dreaded wheel.  I saw everything from bloggers calling it the w-Hell to some pretty colorful exclamations about it.

Did I mention some of the prizes were skins for premium characters you;d then have to buy to enjoy?  It’s safe to say, it’s not a good idea to ask veteran tappers why they don’t have Clausco or the Snow Monster.  You may just find yourself listening or reading a diatribe about the holiday wheel.  Don’t say you weren’t warned.  Also not a good idea to discuss how many times someone landed on cash or gift cards (these replaced spin spots as you earned prizes) instead of what they want.  We seriously had posts about little tricks of the trade to help earn prizes easier.  Ridiculous doesn’t even begin to cover all the hatred this device created.

Of course, EA saw how much we all “loved” Krusty’s Non-Denominational Holiday Wheel and decided to bring it back not too much later during the 2014 Valentine’s Day Event.  Sure it was pinker and featured cupid Bart, but we all knew the drill.  Spin and cross your fingers.  Of course this time, instead of cash or crads, you clogged your inventory with lots of ugly pink decorations you didn’t really want.  In fairness, I liked some of them and the later addition of placing them in Krustyland was nice but still… ugh… pink…  basically like a Two-nicorn drank too much Pepto and it’s vomit is ugly.


After two events with wheels of friendship/mayhem/fortune/frustration and other words… we all basically felt like it was a real version of the Wheel from the real life Krustyland in Florida and Hollywood.




Just remembering those wheels makes me shudder.  When talking to Bunny and Alissa about upcoming TSTO Events, it was funny when we all agreed we just hoped there wasn’t another wheel.  (NOTE: We’re also not a big fan of “boxes” lol.)

So imagine my surprise when I finished the Day 9 Elf Tunnel and it included a wheel I was happy to see.  It’s the Holiday Wheel and it’s destroyed!  Hallelujah… thank you 8 lb 6 oz baby Jebus… free at last and all that good exclamatory happy stuff.


Seriously… this to me is one of the best apologies EA could make for 2013 tappers coming back for Christmas.  The wicked wheel is dead and on display for all to see.  The dialogue was also pretty great.

So EA says sorry and possibly admits the wheel was crooked.  Also a little Homer smashing time.  Thanks my friend.  I must say I am more than happy to display this new decoration in my town.  Also a little look at my Clausco factory design. It’s still a work in progress but I’m liking how it’s coming along.


I wonder what it will look like when the snow melts?

So there you have it jinglers and janglers.  A little background on where the destroyed holiday wheel comes from as well as some fuzzy thoughts from yours truly.  Of course, no post is just about me.  Chime in below with your thoughts on the new decoration or share an image of where you placed it.  I’d also really love to hear your rants or stories about previous wheels.  Thank goodness it appears they’re gone but let’s all remind EA how much we hated them just in case… LEST THEY FORGET.  Stay classy, enjoy the event and also don’t forget there are real holidays and family just outside your tapping device.  Much love.

TTFN… Wookiee out!

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