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Where Did THAT Come From – Bonestorm Santa


Hey there holiday tappers! Howzit? So TSTO is officially in White Christmas mode and the snow is a’falling. I don’t know about you but I love my town covered in snow. As a Southern California resident, I like the snow I can oooh and aaah over without being cold or shoveling it. Of course with a brand new event comes brand new stuff to chat about. My favorite part is of course re-watching Simpsons episodes and then sharing with you just where THAT comes from. For this edition, let’s take a look at Bonestorm Santa.

Once you acquire 10,800 presents in the game (the seventh Part 1 prize), Bonestorm Santa joins your town as a Non-Playable Character (NPC). But what the heck does a super macho Santa have to do with your Springfield? Well, to answer that question we head into the “glory” days of the Simpsons to “Marge Be Not Proud” (S7:E11).

It seems the EA designers liked commercials and shows within the show for content this year and Bonestorm Santa is no exception. For anyone unacquainted, this episode is a Christmas episode and revolves around Bart getting caught shoplifting and disappointing Marge pretty badly. Marge stops coddling Bart as much but it of course it all ends well in the end beacuse that’s the hallmark of the show… heart. I really think it’s a great episode to watch.

But… there’s a point to all this, right Wookiee? Of course dear reader. The point is in answering why Bart would shoplift in the first place? To get the Bonestorm video game of course! Bart discovers the game during a commercial while watching Krusty.

The commercial is super intense. Bored kids play a video game and Bonestorm Santa comes crashing in through the wall complete with snarling reindeer. Santa bazookas the Bonestorm game into their gaming console and we see a very bloody video game that resembles a certain Mortal Kombat game kids like me were crazy about in the 90s.

“You want excitement? Shove this up your stocking!”

“So tell your folks: ‘Buy me Bonestorm or go to Hell!'”

I must say that Bart did try to get Marge to get him the game but saying “buy me Bonestorm or go to hell” probably wasn’t the best strategy. Doesn’t help that Milhouse has the game but won’t share. Stupid Thrillho! When Bart can’t buy it or rent it for himself at the Android’s Dungeon and witnesses another spoiled kid getting two copies at the Try-N-Save so he doesn’t have to share, what’s a delinquent kid to do?

Shoplifting is bad but it did bring us store detective Don Brodka so not a complete loss, right? That’s about it my friends. Another NPC from a commercial/video game for Christmas 2014. Hope y’all are getting lots of FBI surveillance in your towns and getting lots of presents. Stay classy and Happy Festivus!

TTFN… Wookiee out!

BONUS: You can also find Santa’s Workshop and the Simpsons snowpeople in this episode.

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