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Workaround For Gil Glitch


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

With only a few hours left till Gil leaves town I know many of you are having issues with the game crashing and/or not getting your donuts.  There’s now a workaround for it if you want to take advantage of his offer before he leaves Springfield.

Thanks to reader Steve for finding this work around.  He writes:

“I tried the Gil deal multiple times by clicking on his icon to get to them. It crashed each time. I went another route by clicking on the donut icon in the lower left corner of the app and purchased them that way. Worked like a charm the first time. Maybe give that a try if Gil is still crashing for you.”

So basically instead of going through the store to purchase them try using the Get More Button located on the bottom left of your screen:

I can tell you…I tried it this way and it works (after a lot of crashing for me the other way).  So if you’re worried about missing the deal but are more worried about missing out on the donuts try it this way.  Everything should go through smoothly with the purchase.


Now for those of you who’s game crashed and your donuts weren’t delivered….

First of all…know that donuts should be delivered right away.  As soon as you purchase them your game will restart (not crash, but return to the splash screen) & once Springfield loads back up you’ll see a popup saying they were successful.  So if they don’t appear right away…or your game crashes know that you’ve got a problem with them.

Here’s a few things you can do….

1. Contact EA.  I always suggest trying to contact them after 9am EST to trigger the call me option.

2. Contact your App Store (iTunes/Google Play/Amazon) directly and request a refund for your purchase.

In either event you’ll need your receipt.  For whatever reason…iTunes takes 24hrs to send it to you.

Now, I too experienced the crashing and not getting my purchase.  I first tried the contact EA option.  BUT their call wait time is ridiculous right now…especially with all the issues going on with xbox and Play Station right now.  So I got impatient waiting so I went the route of Contacting Google Play for a refund and just repurchased donuts using the method described above.  It worked perfectly!  No crashing & I got my donuts.  And I got refunded from Google for my first purchase.


So if you’re having issues…try giving one of those methods a try and see if that helps.  Of course if you can’t afford to spend more on donuts while waiting for the refund I do recommend the contact EA option.  Since they’re the only ones who can put donuts back into your game.

Are YOU having issues with Gil’s deal?  Did you get a refund?  What did EA tell you?  Have you tried this method?  Did it work?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

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