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TSTO Anonymous: I’m sorry… soooooooo sorry


Heya Superfriends!

Wookiee back with another meeting of TSTO Anonymous for all my fellow addicted superheroes, vigilantes, caped crusaders and supervillains.  Usually during an event, right around this time, I see lots of disgruntled comments but it seems like this event is uber popular (as it should be to Geeks like me).  Without the normal need for a cup of sunshine to drive away the proverbial Kryptonite dragging you down, I figured we’d have a more upbeat meeting this time.  Maybe a little humor, some insight or maybe just some rambling by yours truly.  Who knows? I’ll just welcome you to the meeting and see where it goes.  Make sure you find the right room.

Oh good… you made it!  So, while I was trying to think of a good topic for today, I tapped away in my town.  Dang I love bonking those criminals on the head. Whether in skull caps or rainbow clown fros, it’s just very satisfying.  Oh wait, I accidently tried to smoosh President Lincoln.  Sorry Abe… nothing personal.  I know you’re not wearing a kaleidoscopic wig but your black presidential garb does look strikingly like a criminal when I’m being unobservant.  Yes I appreciate your accomplishments during the U.S. civil war… what do you mean I’m an ignorant walking carpet?  Jeesh… why can’t Mr. Honesty in a Hawaiian shirt just accept my apology?

And then inspiration hit me… forgiveness.  Isn’t that one of the 12 steps of this program?  I double checked the very first post ever for TSTO Anon and lo and behold it is.  Step Nine: (FORGIVENESS) Made direct amends to such characters wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or just not make any sense.

Well, Elton John may have sang that “Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word” but I’m going to give it my best shot.  Since it’s always a good idea to start your apologies with the women in your life… here I go…

Miss Booberella… I am so sorry for mistaking your beautiful vampiric form for a criminal.  There are so many reasons I’d beg you to forget my tapping but for now I’ll only give two, errr… I mean three.  I love you.

Marjorie… my sweet.  I know your Homer’s sweetie but when you dress up in all black and Elphaba’s make-up, I’m quite certain the sky finger can’t help but hit on you.  I’m so sorry dear and beautiful Witch Marge.  I will endeavor to be more diligent in the future.

Yo yo yo padre.  I couldn’t help seeing your sweet rapping skills and giving you a high five with my finger.  Just an FYI… if you ride your sweet motorbike more often, I might try to squish you less.  Both me and you have a thing for your man Jebus so hopefully we can let bygones be bygones.

Don Vittorio.  As Vito said to Don Corleone, “”I knew that Santino was going to have to go through all this. And Fredo – well… Fredo was well… But I never… I never wanted this for you. I work my whole life, I don’t apologize, to take care of my family. And I refused – to be a fool – dancing on the string, held by all those bigshots. I don’t apologize, that’s my life ,but I thought that when it was your time that you would be the one to hold the strings. Senator Corleone. Governor – Corleone, or something…

Hopefully that clears up this confusion and we can fuhgedaboutit.  Please pass on my condolences to Legs and Louie as well.  A tap or two may have mistakenly gone astray towards those goodfellas also.

Don’t judge me to harshly Judge Snyder.  A tap or two among friends is nice right?  You know I’m the fuzzball who loves to help you keep in shape and go on those 24-hour vacays.  I seriously dig your casting skills.  Nice brown pants btw. Hopefully the “clown is down” for this forgiveness arraignment.

Sorry to say Frenchie but I’m really not to sorry.  Your country’s revolution and Napoleonic warlord have been cloggin my brain at present courtesy of an upcoming midterm and it’s left me none too cheerful.  Also, your clumsy antics do sometimes look like the criminals tippy toeing in town.  Sorry for ocassionally giving you a friendly little jab.  I’d apologize more I suppose if I didn’t know it’s pronounced Chowdah!

Mr. President.  Unlike the aforementioned Napoleon, you were a great General who after being appointed leader of a free nation, stepped down to live out your days.  You didn’t want to be king.  No, you were more than willing to live out your days chopping down cherry trees and hunting for Hans Sprungfeld in my town for the rest of your days.  I am deeply sorry for mistakenly tapping you.  Out of this whole slew of characters, you are the least crimnalistic of the lot.  My apologies and kudos for being you.  You’re a real American hero.  Thanks for being the cool G Dub.

And last but not least… ol’ Honest Abe…

You know, you ARE one of my favorite U.S. Presidents but I’m still smarting over that walking carpet remark.  What do you mean the voices I’ve been hearing are all in my head?  That’s it, it’s time for a long period of manual labor in Wookieetown.  No more Hawaiian shirt relaxation for you to save you from being smacked by the almighty Hand of Justice.  I’m sure I’ll forgive YOU later.

It’s kinda funny to me that this list of characters for the most part could all be considered criminals just like the banditos we’ve been clearing in our towns.  A seductive late-nigh horror hostess, a witch, a priest, the mafia, a judge, a French waiter and two presidents.  You think EA is trying to say something.  I’d say the connotation comes from the color black but Johnny Cash is no criminal and he’s the Man in Black.

Anywho… I’d love to hear your thoughts about my randomness.  Got any characters you should apologize to?  It doesn’t have to be just for resembling criminals.  I could probably write even more for all those one-finger push-ups I’ve made Willy do, etc.


We could also address real apologies if you like.  I am sorry I haven’t been around this site as much because of school, etc.  I am sorry EA wasn’t able to please everyone with the content of the event but I’m not sorry for what I think is an amazing round of content this go around.  Sure the collecting for the Collector buildings is a skoshi slow but in the midst of everything else, I am super stoked for this goodness.  Besides, those buildings aren’t even the best things from it.  I guess I could also find my loved ones I’ve neglected with blogging, studying and work and let them know I apologize for Time. Well. Spent. but the best part of love is never having to say you’re sorry.  Well that and doing your best to really not mess up lol.

While I don’t think it’s necessary to bust out your rolodex and start apologizing to everyone you’ve ever harmed, it couldn’t hurt to apologize to someone, pixellated or not.  In Stephen King’s Carrie, he wrote that “sorry is the Kool-Aid of human emtoions.”  I guess in this case it’s good to drink the Kool-Aid?  If nothing else, you could use this ramble as an excuse to bust out that dusty Hasbro board game in your closet.  You know… the one that wasn’t made into a movie.

What do y’all think?  Sound off below with your thoughts or just to let me know I’m crazy. I assure you I know but the reinforcement never hurts.  I hope y’all are enjoying the superhero event as much as I am.  Like always, we end this meeting with the TSTO Anonymous Serenity Prayer:

“EA, grant me the serenity to accept the updates I cannot change, the courage to recommend the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Stay classy, much love and TTFN… Wookiee out!

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