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TSTO Anonymous: Springfield Stinks!


Holy moley!  What is that stench?  Smells like someone fudged their Huggies. Before I digress too far and start spontaneously singing a Lynyrd Skynyrd song, I should probably get myself on track.  So the monorail event is in full swing coupled with a lot of references to garbage episodes (the content, not quality) of the Best. Show. Ever.  One of the fun aspects of it all is dumping trash in your neighboring Springfields but it’s got me thinking.

Anyone besides me finding their inner Jay Sherman coming out as they visit there neighbors.  It stinks, it stinks, it stinks, it stinks… it’s like we’re New York film critics voiced by actor Jon Lovitz. in “Hurricane Neddy” (S8:E8).  “Yes, Mr. Sherman.  Everything stinks.”

Of course, saying things stink over and over is a bit of a negative attitude so I got to wondering how all my favorite Addicts are doing?  You know we like to keep things positive here to the point some people call us all sorts of things.  Blissful is only the beginning lol.  So how the heck are you stinkpots?

A lot has happened since our last meeting in April.   Easter 2015, the Terwilleger Event, 6 Level Updates, an Episode Tie-In, the Money Mountain, the Pride Event, the Tap Ball Event, 4th of July, three Gil Deals, Springfield Heights AND the Monorail!  Wowza… time flies when EA is having fun.  Seriously, there’s been over 470 posts since our last meeting!  4 months and no meetings or cups of coffee with your sponsors… yowza.  It’s about time I got off my duff and wrote up some thoughts.

So here’s me getting to my point I think.  It’s high time to gather the community and hold a meeting before the Springfield Community Center voids my deposit. We haven’t talked at all about the effects on our addiction in what might be the busiest EA period in a long time.  Go ahead and try to find a parking spot, pass the other anon meetings being held and follow the stink to TSTO Anonymous…

Well howdy friends.  You made it through my long-winded intro to what I’ll warn you may just be me rambling.  I didn’t really pick a topic for today other than reminiscing about The Critic courtesy of stink lines in my Springfield aka Wookieetown.  Remember that show and his yellow version?

Anywho… hopefully everyone is seeing quite a few stink lines floating around their towns to show just how great their neighbors are.  WHenever I see that odorific evidence of my tapping buds, I tend to think of as my friendly little stinkers.  But what the heck is a “stink line”?  Well, it’s as simple as a wavy line emanating from a drawing to indicate a smell coming off of it.  I won’t go so far as to say The Simpsons created this wording, but I will say I’m not sure I had a name for it until a young eleven-year-old fuzzball first watched “Bart the Murderer” (S3:E4).

Bart: More stink lines boys…
Skinner: What’s this? What are you boys doing?
Bart: (yawn) You didn’t see nothing, now beat it!

Classic… but any discussion about pictorial stankiness in The Simpsons has to include what I consider to be one of Moe Syzlak’s best lines ever in “Bart Sells His Soul” (S7:E4).  Moe opens up Uncle Moe’s Family Feedbag but it doesn’t turn out eactly like he planned.  He can’t handle smiling too much and performing all nicety nice for kids.  I think it’s the child drawn picture of Unkie Moe that was the proverbial straw in the dromedary’s back though.

“Aw, jeez. And you got the stink lines and everything. ”

Woo hoo!  Stink lines in our favorite cartoon and I didn’t even waste a ton of words talking about Bart’s graffiti in “Flaming Moe” (S22:E11) or Flatulent Fox in “The Day the Violence Died” (S7:E18).

During the promotional period for The Simpsons Movie, several 7-11 stores were turned into Kwik-E-Marts.  No surprise that one was in in Burbank, CA complete with El Barto graffiti and stink lines.

Real world stink line graffiti is awesome!  But enough blabbering from me in a post that’s supposed to all about us.  The inter-web tells me that it’s a good idea in any Anonymous meeting (other than wearing a fake mustache) to share with your peers.  Well, I’ll go first.  I love this event for obvious reasons but more so because I get to enjoy visiting neighbors.  Sure 3 lousy event currency for my friendereenos isn’t a whole lot in the grand scheme of this event’s prizes, but I get to be all nerdy while doing it.

Take that stupid Flanders House… you stink.  Springfield Elementary?  Stinks! Building right next to a funzo?  Sorry building, I can’t make that pink NPC stink so you end up as collateral damage.  Of course, alternating going forwards and backwards in my friends list does result in me being a lazy stinker a lot of the time but I can promise my goofball side usually has some sort of commentary while bombing away.

Which brings me to the point of all this?  What do you think?  Do you pick out particular buildings when dumping on your pals?  Is it all arbitrary or, like some of my friends, do you find the same victims (looking at you Double D!) for extra odor?  A lot of people just dump on the first thing they see.  Either that, or they have something against historical parks, restaurants and the Buddhist Temple lol.  Have you seen how great the Radioactive Man Statue looks with stink lines off it?  Other buildings look equally awesome.

These meetings are more about you than me so sound off with your thoughts. We’re one big dysfunctional family here and now we just get to add some stink to our family photo a la “Marge Be Not Proud” (S7:E11).

To mix it up a bit, I thought it might be give everyone an assignment during this meeting.  Obviously, I can’t follow up but it has the possibility of being fun.  Over the next week, check out how you stink up your neighbors’ Springfields.  ALso pay attention to how they putrify you.  Are there any trends?  Did you decide to tap differently?  Was it more/less fun?  I’m I the only lunatic who talks to my nieghbors and the citizens of Springfield as I tap?  You can write anything you want from this exercise in the comments here.

Well… much love to all of you and hopefully you’re having at least half as much fun as I am with all this monorail goodness.  Trust me when I say you’d be having a ton of fun even if I’m having twice as much as you.  Keep on tapa-tapa-tapping in the free world and taking life one tap at a time. We end like usual with the TSTO Serenity Prayer.

“EA, grant me the serenity to accept the updates I cannot change, the courage to recommend the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

SMELL YA LATER and TTFN!  Wookiee out!

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