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Addicts 2 Year Blogiversary Q & A Part 2


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated our 2 year Blogiversary!!  In continuing with what we did for our 1 year anniversary, as part of the celebration we gave you guys the opportunity to ask us anything you’d like with the promise that we’d answer your questions (or as many as we could).  And as always you guys came through in a big way!

Because our Blogiversary is kinda a big deal to Bunny, Wookiee and I, we wanted to do something extra special to answer the questions.  And it wasn’t easy, but we got all of our schedules together and created another Q & A video!  Giving y’all another peek inside the craziness that is the Addicts….especially when Bunny, Wookiee and I get together. And with so much crazy between the three us us we had to once again break it into two parts! (check out part 1 here) #warningitsevenlongerthanlastyear #warningthisonemayinvolvesomecrying

Well what do YOU think?  Now that you’ve seen nearly 2hrs of us…still want to stick around?  Any other questions you wished we’d answered?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

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