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Where Did THAT Come From – Pin Stand, Pin Collector Lisa, Fatov, and Pins


In our silly lil game, we sometimes see things pop in that we have no clue as to their Origin. They seem familiar, but we just can’t pinpoint from where. So that is why we decided to make a fun lil reminder out of it. To let you know just Where did THAT Come From?


Wowza… the Springfield Games hit our towns and its one interesting event fusing different things. Anything but more Tap Ball, right? Basically this event is a parody of the Olympics without paying any money to the IOC because the desginers did their own thing. This round of origins will go over the Pin Stand (3rd Event Prize), Pin Collector Lisa, Fatov, and the pins. You can find lots of gameplay info about all this in this post from Alissa. But what do they have to do with the Best. Show. Ever. and where did they appear? We head to “Boy Meets Curl” (S21:E12) to find them.

Marge and Homer discover a love of curling courtesy of a movie date night at the Aztec Theater gone wrong and a stop by Skates ‘N’ Such Ice Rink. Marge convinces Homer to go in for a sport that encourages hand holding. Inside, the rink has been taken over by Springfieldianites practicing curling do no skating for them but it’s all for the good as Marge and Homer became enthralled with the activity.

It’s perfect really with bowling for Homer and sweeping for Marge.

After mixed curling is announced as a demonstration event at the Canadian Olympics, Marge and Homer’s team heads to the Olympic trials. The curling trials are held right next to the International Curly Trials… fun. At the trials, Lisa runs into a young girl with lots of pins on her hat.

After being given Chillbert, one of the four Winter Games mascots, for free, Lisa thinks he looks lonely and heads to the Olympic Pins kiosk. These pins probably look familiar to items in a post that Alissa did. “Buy us. Buy us with money.”

Too bad the little girl was actually a very short male actor name Monsieur Wee Wee. Lisa quickly becomes quite hooked on collecting the pins. I guess it’s lucky for Marge and Homer and unlucky for Lisa’s new addiction that Team Springfield makes it to the Olympics in Vancouver, Canada’s warmest city. Lisa plans on heading to “the Olympic pin center to fill in a few small gaps in her collection.

Lisa has her eye on the 1924 mascot from the games in Chamonix, Ennui, himself. She must really want it since she trades her pearls for it, a gift from Marge for reading at a 12th grade level.

Bart finds his sister bussing on the streets for her new addiction. She’s not usually this interesting lol. I agree, wearing a dress made completely of Olympic pins might indicate an unhealthy obsession.

Bart shows his sister some soft hate ( a better version of tough love) and helps her kick the pin addiction. He’s learned a lot from watching Homer. Problem is they know need to get back Lisa’s pearls. “Without them I’m just a big Maggie.” Bart cuts out Homer’s face from his driver’s license, flips it upside down and adds eyes to the chin and claims it is a rare very first pin of the mascot from the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. “His name is Fatov. He represents the Russian spirit of sloth and alcoholism.”

The pin guy, who I think of as Canadian Raphael, daydreams about owning this rare and exclusive pin.

The pin guy falls for the ploy and Bart gets Lisa’s pearls back. USA wins the demonstration gold and we get a fun little scene of Homer and Fatov dancing to classical music at the end.

So there you go friends. The origin for new stuff in the game all from a fun episode about curling which may or may not be a real sport. I must admit I actually watch this event during the Winter Olympics. Did you know the truth about Fatov? Have you earned all three of these yet? Enjoy curling? Ever collected pins? I know a few Disney nuts who probably should watch this episode as a warning. You think this is all a subtle shout out to a certain site with Addicts in the name? Sound off in the comments and happy pin collecting.

TTFN… Wookiee out!

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