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Sci-Fi Prize Guide: Act 1, Prize 2 Future Duff Sign


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

The nerds have invaded Springfield!  Ok just one nerd, and he’s not all that bad.  And only in Springfield can Professor Frink, with the help of Homer, open up a black hole that transports doppelgangers, robots and Stephen Hawking (!) to our pocket sized Springfields! This multiverse event hit our devices and it’s full of alternate universe inspired decorations, buildings & characters!

This Event is broken up into 3 Acts, with each Act containing part of the story.  To help you move along with the event you’ll get several prizes per Act.  Each prize will either be something fun for Springfield or something to help you move along in the event.  For the First Act you’re tasked with collecting Dark Matter () to unlock each prize!

The second Act 1 Prize is awarded at 6,500  is the Future Duff, because you can’t get enough of that wonderful Duff…

So let’s take a closer look at this second prize and just what happens when you unlock it in your Springfield…

Once you’ve collected 6,500  you’ll automatically be awarded the Future Duff Sign and you’ll see this message popup:

And you’ll have the option to place it in your Springfield immediately or store it in your inventory for later.  Remember if you store it you’ll have to go back into your inventory to retrieve it.

The Future Duff Sign does not come with a questline (other than the initial one telling you to unlock it).  Nothing to help you earn more …just unlock the prize and move on.

Here are some quick facts about The Future Duff Sign:

Size: 1×5
Build Time: Instant
Conform-O-Meter: Vanity +100
What Does it Do?: Animated (always).  The lights in the word Duff on the can light up/flash.  And that’s about it…

And there you have it, the details behind the Future Duff Sign, the second Sci-Fi Event prize!

What’s Next?

Simpson’s Hover Car- Awarded at 12,000.  This will be the next prize we breakdown in the prize guide post.

So that my friends is the full breakdown of the Second Act 1 prize!

What do you think of the Future Duff Sign? Have you unlocked it yet?  Where have you placed it?  Overall thoughts on the event so far?  Anything you’re particularly looking forward to with Act 1?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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