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Halloween 2016 Event 101: Monster Actors Guild (MAG) Points


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

It’s Halloween in our pocket-size Springfields!  Yes that magical time of the year when our towns turn dark, our water becomes mucky and there are monsters everywhere to battle.  And of course an all new event means all new twists and turns to make us all a little crazy….

Seeing lots of questions from you guys about the Monster Actors Guild (or MAG Points).  How do you get them?  What do they do?  How do you get it started?    Let’s take a look at all those questions and more as we break down the details of MAG points…

You have the WHOLE Event to Unlock Everything in the MAG Prize Track.  So pace yourself..and don’t stress. 

In a nutshell…MAG Points are similar to the players club from the Casino Event.  It’s  another aspect of of the event where collecting will earn you more currency (for crafting and prizes), unlock Trick-or-Treating tasks for kids and get and exclusive gate decoration (and skins for it)!

How Do I Earn MAG Points?

There are several different ways to earn MAG Points.  You’ll earn them when you unlock prizes during each Act.  They can also be earned when you craft prizes, but not every prize.  Only some.  And finally they can be earned when you buy certain premium items.

For Act 1….here’s what each prize pays out in MAG Points:

 Town Square- 180

Bell Tower- 270 

Burns Family Crypt- 180 

Count Burns’ Castle- 360 

Space Marshmallow- 540

Remember you will NOT get the  until you’ve placed (and built if necessary) the items in your town.

Crafting items also earn MAG points, we’ll discuss that in the crafting post.  (too much to outline here).  But pay attention when crafting if you’re looking to earn MAG Points.  Only some items will earn them, and the number that you can craft to earn them is limited.  For example:

The Iron Wall earns 20 MAG Points when Placed, BUT you’ll only earn MAG points on the first 8 you craft.  So pay attention to the box when crafting to make sure the item you’re looking to craft earns MAG points.

Also during Act one the following premium items pay out MAG Points…

Crazy Iguana Lady Bundle- 110 Donuts.  200 (when CCL is used, initally she goes into inventory)

The Island of Dr. Hibbert- 70 Donuts, 530  on Placement

Hellementary School- 90 Donuts, 175 

Halloween Party Walls- Pack of 10- 20 Donuts. (These Leave in 1 week, so on the 11th)


How Do I Start to Earn MAG Points?  What Triggers it In my Game?  I Don’t See the Panel in my Store?

As soon as you earn your first MAG Point, you’ll trigger it to start in your game (it’ll launch some dialogue explaining it and you’ll see the event panel popup for you).  So either via earning a prize, crafting an item or buying a premium item…one of those will unlock the MAG prize track for you.

What Can I Win from the MAG points? 

MAG Points is a cumulative total and you’ll need a total of 6,410  to earn everything you can from the Actor’s Guild.   Note: Remember this runs for the whole event.  So you don’t need to unlock everything immediately.  Don’t stress about it, you’ve got 35+ days to earn it all…

Note: Event Currency means it’ll payout that act’s currency when you get there.  So it’ll show Film Strips now, but that’ll change to Act 2 currency when we get there, and Act 3 when we get there.

1  Milhouse’s Trick-Or Treat Job 

355  Martin’s Trick-Or-Treat Job 

640 350 Event Currency 

925  Nelson’s Trick-or-Treat Job 

1,210  Medieval Gate 

1,495  350 Event Currency 

1,780  Ralph’s Trick-or-Treat Job 

2,065  350 Event Currency 

2,350  350 Event Currency 

2,705  Medieval Gate Upgrade 

3,060  Rod’s Trick-or-Treat Job 

3,420  100 Obols (Crafting Currency) 

3,775  Todd’s Trick-or-Treat Job 

4,130  100 Obols (Crafting Currency) 

4,485  Medieval Gate Upgrade 

4,840  200 Obols (Crafting Currency) 

5,270  Dolph’s Trick-or-Treat Job 

5,695  200 Obols (Crafting Currency) 

6,050  350 Event Currency 

6,410  Medieval Gate Upgrade 

Can I Unlock All of the MAG Items Without Spending Donuts for Premium Items?

Several of you were asking this question in the comments…and I’m happy to say yes you can.  TSTO is a game, unlike some other freemium games, where you can earn/win everything available during an event with diligent frequent tapping.
As I mentioned above you’ll need 6,410  to earn all of the prizes offered in the MAG Prize track.  From prizes alone, acts 1 through 3, you’ll earn over 4,700   as long as you unlock all of the prizes for each act.  You’ll then need to earn an additional 1,700 .  You can easily achieve this by crafting.
It won’t be easy, but you absolutely can earn enough  to unlock all of the prizes without spending donuts on premium items.

And that my friends is the basic info on the MAG Prize Track!

What are your thoughts on the MAG System?  Excited to unlock all of the Trick-Or-Treating Characters?  Think it’s an interesting way to earn more crafting/event currency?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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