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Around the World (Destination Springfield) Act 2 is Live!


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Welcome to the wee early morning hours…at least here on the East Coast and Act 2 of the Around the World Event is upon us….so have at it my friends!

Remember…this is an automatic change in your game.  Nothing to download, it should just start up in your game..

Mayor Quimby, Homer & Lisa will start this for you with dialogue.  This will be followed by a 4hr task for Homer.

Act 2 runs until February 24th

Just what does Act 2 have in store for us?  Let’s take a look… 

New Prize Currency for Act 2.

 Japanese Pins

So the ability to earn French Pins is now gone.  Your counter prize track for Act 2 has reset to zero because you have zero Japanese Pins.  So forget about France, it’s time to start over in Japan!

You’ll earn Japanese  Pins very similar to how you earned French Pins in Act 1….

-Flights at the Airport
-Norbert’s Around the World Tasks
-Daily Challenges ( Earning Varies)
-Chateau, if Purchased
-Tapping Tourists in Springfield, still earns 4 each
-Tapping Buildings in Neighbors Towns, still earns 5 each

-Tappinf tourists with the Osaka Flu

Tourists Changes

The Tourists have a new look…

They will still earn 4 per tap.

Norbert’s Tasks

Uncle Norbert is back in Act 2.  Same deal as Act 1.  Complete the Flights to unlock a price from the Lost Luggage Each day.  Options include: Land Tiles, Runway pieces, a Plane & after 7 days you’ll unlock the Black Leather Plane.

If you didn’t finish the Act 1 prizes for Norbert, it’ll require you to catch up before you see the act 2 prizes.

Act 2 Personal Prizes

Mount Fuji- 4,815

Osaka Seafood Concern Squid- 12,038

Free Land Token- 16,853

KTV Building- 28,891

750 Sky Credits- 33,706 (note: this is NOT a building.  Just extra sky credits added toward your crafting total.

Sumo Stadium w/ Sakatumi- 44, 540

Bonuts are still there after prize track is complete.

Act 1 Prizes…

If you didn’t collect them all… you can still access them by tapping on the “ACT ONE PRIZES” tab in the Personal Prizes area. As you can no longer collect items for them, your only option now is to pay donuts to outright buy each one left at the point you left off at. (Just like every other event recently.)

Act 2 Crafting

Crafting remains, as it was during Act 1, for Act 2.

You can still earn Sky Credits for crafting by tapping Tourists.  You’ll also earn them when you tap buildings in your town that your neighbors have tapped, and from the prize track.

New Items in the Store..

Passport- Price as dropped to 60 Donuts…not worth it…

Mr. Sparkle- 100 Donuts, full character

Himeji Castle-180 Donuts, Earns Event Currency

These items leave (Mr. Sparkle & Himeji) when Act 2 ends..

And before you ask…

Here’s a list of posts we’re working on that should be up soon…

-Act 2 Calendar
-Act 2 walkthrough
-SIB for New Content
-And more!

However, keep in mind today is Sunday.  So we will not have any more postings today, beyond the Open Thread.  More content will come your way tomorrow, as it’s still important for us to take the day and spend time with our families.

And that my friends concludes the quick rundown of Around the World Act 2!

Remember this is just a quick rundown…as we have time to play through Act 2 ourselves we’ll break everything down in more detail.  If you need help with the basics check out the Around the World Event Page in the meantime.

Thoughts on Act 2?  Just like Act 1?  Excited about these prizes?  How’d you do with your Act 1 prizes?  Will you be buying any of the new premium items? Sound off in the comments below.  You know we love hearing from you!

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