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Homerpalooza 101: Neighbor Actions Act 1


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Hope you’ve got your dancing shoes on and your cell phones ready to light up the night because Homerpalooza has arrived in Springfield!  That’s right the rock fest has begun!

As with almost all events, neighbor actions play an important role (some events more important than others).  So let’s breakdown the neighbor actions available for Act 1 of Homerpalooza, so you can know all you need to know to earn that precious event currency and unlock all the rockin’ prizes…

First, a reminder…THIS IS NOT A PLACE TO ADD FRIEND REQUESTS.  If you’re looking for friends in TSTO add your Origin ID to our Friend Request page which you can find here.  Do not put your Add Me Requests on this post (The one you’re currently reading), they will be deleted. Thanks!

Second, a little honesty.  Neighbor Actions for this event SUCK.  Plain and simple.  They can be tedious (to find fans to tap in neighbor’s towns) and take forever.  Not to mention it’s pretty difficult to find lawyers roaming your own Springfield if it’s a large one.

So it sucks.  We all know it, and there’s nothing we can currently do about it.  So now that it’s out there hopefully we’ll stop getting the “neighbor actions suck” comments in the other posts… 😉

Now on with those neighbor actions!

When Do Neighbor Actions Unlock?

For this event Neighbor Actions unlock at Rock and Roll Never Forgets, Unfortuantely Pt. 5 of the Act 1 questline.

What Are the Neighbor Actions Available?

You’ve got TWO types of Actions available for this event…

First, you can tap Fans in your Neighbor’s Town (similar to fans in your own town).  3 Fans/Town will be available to tap…

The second action available (a little more complex) are Lawyers.  You drop Lawyers in your neighbor’s town for them to tap.  As a result you both earn event currency.

More Details Please…

Let’s start with the Fans, since they’re easier to explain…

Fans in your neighbor’s town look just like they do in your town…

You’re allowed to tap and clear 3 fans/neighbor’s town that you visit in a 24hr period.

Now I know what you’re all thinking…”Before you tell me what they earn, how many of these dang things can I tap per day and earn event currency?  Because I sure as heck ain’t getting 90 actions/day like other events!”

Am I close to what you’re thinking?

Ok so with this event you’re only allowed 30 Actions/Day that will pay out event currency. 

That’s not 30 neighbors/day with 3 taps each.  No, that’s 30 Actions/day.  Meaning 10 neighbors with 3 days each (or 30 neighbors with 1 tap each). Not a whole heck of a lot, at least compared to other events. (but fortunately, there’s another neighbor action you can do that helps both you and your neighbor…lawyers.  We’ll cover it below)

So now, what do they pay when tapped?

Each fan you tap, until you’ve maxed out your currency taps, will earn 5  guaranteed.  100% of the time the Fans you tap in a neighbor’s town (For those first 30 actions) will drop 5.

So what about tickets (for crafting) and lawyers?

25% of the time the fans you tap in a neighbor’s town (for those first 30 actions) will drop 2  (for crafting)…incidentally this is the same percentage that they drop in your town from fan taps…

And last, but certainly not least, 20% of the time fans you tap in a neighbor’s town (for those first 30 actions) will drop 1  (Lawyer)….incidentally this is the same percentage that they drop in your town from fan taps…

And a couple more notes:
-No, you do not have to leave fans untapped in your town for your neighbors to find.  Clear all of your fans at any time in your own town, it won’t impact your neighbors.

-No, tapping fans in your friend’s town won’t impact the number they see in their own town. And no, it doesn’t add any benefit to their currency total.  Tapping fans is purely for your own benefit.

-And finally, yes.  Yes, it sucks finding them in a friend’s town to tap.  I 100% agree with you, totally sucks.

So now we’ve covered everything there is to know about tapping fans in your neighbor’s town.  Onto those Lawyers…

First up, let’s cover the payouts on the lawyers.  The Lawyer’s are fun because they benefit you AND your neighbor.  Your neighbor taps them and earns currency and you, in turn, earn currency back for each one you’ve placed.

Lawyers payout 12  and 2  100% of the time for each one.  If you find one in your town and tap it you’ll earn 12  and 2  for each one you tap (and the neighbor that placed them there will too). And if you place one in a friend’s town you’ll earn 12  and 2  for each one they tap (or don’t tap).

Basically look at every lawyer you have as 12  and 2 , and every lawyer you see in your town that you manage to tap as 12  and 2 .

Make sense?  Good.  Moving on…

Timer on the Lawyer..

There is a timer in place on the Lawyers once dropped in a neighbor’s town, or your own town.  Once dropped you (or your neighbor) have 4hrs to find them.  If you don’t clear them in 4hrs you’ll miss out on the 12  and 2  you could have earned from tapping (clearing them).  HOWEVER, your neighbor will still earn 12  and 2  regardless if you’ve tapped their lawyer or not. (and you will too if you dropped one in a neighbor’s town)

FYI: Other Springfield has a 24hr timer.  So if you drop them there you won’t get credit on them for 24hrs.

How Do I Earn Lawyers..

You’ll earn Lawyers randomly through tapping fans in your town or in a neighbor’s town.  Every fan you tap has a 20% chance of dropping a lawyer..the icon for which looks like this 

You can also earn them via Daily Challenges.

How Do I Know How Many Lawyers I Have Available to Drop?

There’s a counter in your Springfield right above your XP meter that shows your Cuff Count, Ticket Count & Lawyer Count…

You’ll also see the Lawyer count in the same spot when you visit neighbors. 

How Many Lawyers Are Allowed In My  (or My Neighbor’s) Town At Once?

Max of 10 Lawyers can be in your (or your neighbor’s) town at once.  Once there are 10 Lawyers in a town no one will be able to drop more until either the 4hr timer runs out or you (or your neighbor if dropping in their town) clears some.

How Do I Drop Lawyers In a Friend’s Town?

Simply visit a neighbor and in the top right corner you’ll see the Lawyer Brief Icon

Simply tap that icon to drop Lawyers in their town.

What does the Number In Orage Mean?

When visiting a neighbor you’ll see that Icon has a number in orange on it.  That number represents how many Lawyers you can currently drop in that town.  If it says 10 that means you can drop 10.  In the case of the image above it says 7, which means only 7 are available to drop in that town.

If it says 0 that means that neighbor currently has too many Lawyers in their town and you’ll have to drop again later.

How Do I Know If I Have Lawyers In My Town To Tap?

You don’t.  There’s supposed to be a notification, it doesn’t currently appear.  Hopefully EA will fix it.  So unfortunately for now you’ll just have to be on the lookout for them roaming your Springfield.

How Do I Know If I Got Credit For the Lawyers Dropped In A Friend’s Town?

If you’ve dropped Lawyers in a friend’s town every time you sync your game (hard close and restart/visit Krustyland,/visit a neighbor and go back to your Springfield) byou’ll get a Lawyer notification.  This will tell you what you’ve earned from the Lawyers dropped, and in most cases tell you who dropped them..

And I think that covers all of your burning Neighbor Action questions for Act 1.  And yes, minor spoiler, currencies are expected to increase per tap (fan tap, not Lawyer tap) for Acts 2 and 3.

What are your thoughts on the neighbor actions for Homerpalooza? Getting the hang of Lawyer dropping? What’s your neighbor strategy? Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

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