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Homerpalooza Act II – Calendar and Daily Earning Minumums


As we have now determined (and as has been discussed in the recent Addicts Live), it apparently my job to “take one for the team” as it pertains to “FREAKING OUT THE PLAYERS!!” at the beginning of every act.  Let me assure you…this is not my intention. I simply print the facts…the numbers…and a bit of “pragmatic earning wisdom” as it pertains to each new act in these major updates.  In short…DON’T KILL THE MESSENGER (or even yell at him!)

But, if I have learned anything about life…”haters gonna hate…” and “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” and “what goes up, must continue to go up” (as in quantum physics, “up” or “here” or even “what” are all relative terms).

What I am getting at, is that I AM NOT GOING TO CODDLE YOU…by making this seem EAsy. It isn’t. These numbers seem daunting…but, if you are diligent, work hard, and stay focused and disciplined… you WILL get everything.

As you have figured out…I don’t start the numbers a day late like my predecessor (the now, relatively extinct Bunny) did. Starting a day late is making you believe something that isn’t true…namely, if you make the numbers seem friendlier, it will make everyone happy. It may seem easier, but in fact, it may coddle you into being lazy. It’s why coaches make you run wind sprints during daily doubles in football…because they realize that you most likely won’t need to have trained your body to have “extra gas in the tank” (which has nothing to do with training day meals) but, that it makes it easier to endure the long haul, without gassing out (don’t even get me started on the whole “wishes/unicorns/and what happens to the other hand, that Wookie brought up during the last Addicts Live).  But, I digress…

I prefer to run on a full 24-hour clock…so the numbers on the first day, are for whenever the update starts for you (time is relative…just like time zones). So…in the first 24 hours, you need to hit 7536 Sunglasses… I didn’t make that number up. And yes…these sunglasses were clearly stolen from Elton John.

To get Alaska Nebraska (and who doesn’t want a Hannah Montana rip off…that doesn’t turn into the cautionary tale that Miley Cyrus has become), you will need to continue to earn 7536 Sunglasses a day. Which seems like a lot…because it is.

You will get more stages…and will get the chance to BUY (with donuts and money) more performers.  But, you WILL get to use a goodly (I almost said bigly, but thought better of it) number of existing Freemium Characters. More on this in another post (the Math Post I will do later)…but suffice it to say, that it will be a lot of performing…practicing…upping your star power…to get to the daily limits. But, it is doable…


And for the more “Linear Calendar Folks”…

And YES…that is Leon (Michael) Kompowsky (Jackson), being offered up right away. Donuts WILL be spent!  This one is a no-brainer for me…as again, like Murphy, it is one of the sweetest episodes in Simpsons’ History, and has an amazing backstory…

For all of you who curse me now…you will be happy with my insistence at looking at the numbers straight in the eye, getting over your fear, and just GETTING ON WITH IT!  You’ll be happy you did, come the end of the update.
Four logins a day…minimum…use your Star Power wisely!

Let’s do this thing!

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