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From the Mouths of Addicts: Trick, Treat or Tap


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Welcome to another edition of From the Mouths of Addicts, where YOU get to sound off on anything and everything in the world of Tapped Out!  This week’s post comes to us from one of our long-time friends and she who runs Futurama Addicts and Family Guy Addicts…Russian Tigger! 

Somehow, between writing loads of posts for FWOT Addicts and FGA Addicts, RT found the time to knock out a fun Halloween related guest post for TSTO!  (overachiever!) 

Enjoy it my friends!  Here’s Russian Tigger…and her Halloween musings -Alissa 

It’s spooky and it’s scary, it’s loopy and it’s crazy…… Ok I think enough of you by now know that should probably read I’m loopy and I’m crazy, but hey I’m not talking about me, I’m talking about Halloween, honest guv’nor.

Yes, it’s that time of year when we overdose on candy and treacle apples, then let our imaginations run wild, well, to be honest, my minds default setting is probably running wild, so no real change there. But what do the inner workings of my mind have to do with Tapped Out and Halloween?

Well, I got to thinking that in the real world, you know that boring place we’re supposed to act like grown-ups in, we hear the saying  “they’re like kids at Christmas” a lot, a helluva lot. But sitting watching the comments streams go crazy after the last Addicts Live and the general impatience every year for the Tapped Out Halloween event, I thought those words just don’t refer to us mobile gamers. Christmas just isn’t the holiday for us, it’s all about the ghosts and the ghouls, and the tricks and the treats, because Halloween is when we seem to go crazy waiting for a really spooky event to hit our games. Well apart from Alissa, who prefers mild spooky.

Don’t get me wrong I welcome Easter events, especially if they’re accompanied by a big dollop of chocolate, and Christmas events, well they usually bring a real feel-good factor, and, of course, snow to our towns.  And as we’re a diverse and international bunch I also get to participate in a lot of small events, whether they mean anything to me or not. But the one event that really gets my spine tingling and my excitement jingling is the event based around All Hallows’ Eve.

Whether it’s having fun dressing up my characters in silly costumes I’ve bought or unlocked, or letting Sideshow Bob and his family run loose in my town, I just can’t get enough of this time of year. For some reason, it seems to bring out that inner geek child in me. And it really struck me reading the comments on the Addicts Live thread, where Halloween was voted our favorite event by far, that I’m not the only one.

It’s easy to know when one of your neighbors also suffers from Halloween fever, just look at their town, you’ll know there’s something a bit wicked about them if like me they put more effort into the area of their town that houses the dead, than the part that houses the living, lol.

It made me think we need a new Halloween character in our Springfield, I really want a Halloween cheermeister for my town, a creepy character who’ll shuffle along my roads and show The Grumple who’s boss. He’ll put the elf back on the shelf whilst bringing all kinds of merry hell to my Springfield. He’ll wander aimlessly screaming “It’s Halloween” Noddy Holder style. But since this is supposed be fun he’ll also put the Ha in Halloween, so don’t worry Alissa he’ll be more killer crazy than a crazy killer.

Writing this makes me wonder what is it about Halloween that appeals to us so much? I guess it appeals to my love of creepy stories. I’ve always loved them, I like my fairy tales the grimmer the better and I prefer a spooky lining to a silver one. I guess Halloween reminds me of the days when my cousins and I used to hide out in an old abandoned coal cellar in our back garden. Armed with only torches and our imaginations we’d tell ghost stories until darkness fell,  then almost faint with fright when my dad would jump out from behind a bush as we left the cellar to head indoors at bedtime. In fact, I can tell you that my cousin, who will remain nameless, literally pooped himself on one such occasion. So I guess there’s a kind of smelly but sentimental side to my love of Halloween.

My love of the horror genre is another pointer towards Halloween being my favorite holiday, I love nothing more than being scared witless by a good scary movie, although I have to admit those are few and far between these days, but I’m lucky in that I’ve always been drawn to old movies, so I find myself drifting back to the horror movies of a bygone era to get my chills.  With this in mind, I’d really love to see a scary movie event in Tapped Out, incorporating all those movies that have been parodied for the Treehouse of Horror episodes, there’s The Amityville Horror, The Shining, Dracula, Pyscho, Poltergeist, Night of the Living Dead to name just a few. Hell even my favorite movie of all time, Suspiria gets a nod. As well as unlocking Characters related to this we could also unlock short animations that could be viewed at the Drive-In Theatre.

But there’s got to be something more that makes Halloween so special in my warped mind, and do you know what? I just can’t fathom what it is, it’s not about going guising, that’s trick or treating to some of you. As a little child, I was always a little hesitant dressing up, as a shy, quiet kid, (honest I was), bringing attention to myself by dressing up was always more daunting than haunting. I did it but I was the kid completely hidden away under a white bed sheet, Casper the “please don’t notice me” ghost would be a good way to describe me back then. But despite this all roads still lead me to Halloween, I even met the love of my life at Halloween and got married on Halloween.

So now you all know that I can’t get enough of Halloween, it’s obvious the fun that plays out in TSTO at this time of year will tickle my taste buds like no other event, and by the anticipation and impatience seen in the comments as we await this years event I know I’m not alone, At least I hope I’m not, being on my own in a creepy mobile game just isn’t on my bucket list. I know exactly how that story ends!!!!

So fellow addicts I thought I’d ask you, just what is it about Halloween that turns us into excited kids? Is it the spooky going-ons? Is it the potential for an invasion of Treehouse of Horror characters? Is it the haunted house and other spooky decorations, or is it the chance to let our imaginations run wild like they did when we were kids? Just why is it we crave Halloween events like kids crave candy? And whilst you’re answering that how’s about sharing your favorite Halloween costume or story, just don’t make them too scary as I’ve got a cousin who poops easy.

Thanks, Russian Tigger for a little Halloween inspiration!  What did you think of RT’s post?  Your thoughts on Halloween?  Any fun stories to share? Sound off below, you know we love hearing from you! 

As always we love hearing from you guys…so if you have an opinion or take on something going on in the game (or something that should be going on in the game), please send it along to us…

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