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Friday Filler – Sorry EA…It Needs to Be Said…


Thank Grog It’s Firday!

OK. Look. I’ve tried.  Really, really, really tried to curtail my “CrankyOldSide” when it comes to this game. I’ve been playing the game for more than 5 1/2 years…and writing about it for close to 5. And, for the most part, I’ve cut EA slack on their LazyAss tendencies, because every once in a while (like the Christmas update) they really seem to care enough to take a swing that connects with a real home run. Yes. Kudos for Christmas.

But dammitall…this update event just feels like going through the motions…

I have been saying for months that this 6-week, 3 act grind-fest is a drain on the brain.  It is too long to sustain any level of “giving a crap” by the end of the last act.  And they have become so easy, that this time around, I am done an entire week before the deadline…WITH the server outages!

Do I want to grind for Bonuts?  No. I can grind for bonuts anytime I want. And to make it all that much more annoying, we aren’t allowed to store the HUGE playground, and other battle areas, until the event ends, and we go back to some sort of normal. So I can’t really even finish the Badlands area I am planning…because I want to STORE half of the crap I was forced to take!

A WEEK EARLY...and that was a week that was nothing but a grind-fest of nothing…repeated until you are so burned out with the same actions, that you actually considered just stopping…as in all the way…done.  I hung in there to get Burns. Big. Woop. 

And now…today…insult to injury. We are cajoled to “get the stuff from this update that you might have missed, before time runs out!” Huh? Seriously? Before time runs out?  We have been praying for time to run out on this update for days now.

And FINALLY…I want to try and understand your logic on this last point, EA.  You keep giving me, “You have 10,100 items, you need to be at 7,100” blah, blah, blah…and then you keep FORCING us to take loads of items in an update that we don’t really want? COME ON!!  How many items did we have to take and place to get our multiplier’s up to 20% on all three battle areas?  A LOT! And, I didn’t want ANY of them! (OK. I will use a few of the fences…once I am allowed to store my HUGE battle areas). But, you get what I am saying, EA?  Or do you? 

Here’s a novel idea… FIX YOUR CODE so there aren’t “performance issues” for those of us who have played the longest and are the most loyal to the game.  Fix it. Just fix it. Or stop forcing us to take clutter we don’t want…

And don’t get me started on the forced creation of the “Florida” appendage of land at the top right of my Springfield…because you only let me use my “Free Land Token” in one area…that seems to be growing like a carbuncle on the face of an aging film star…too embarrassed to admit that it is there.  Let me use my “Free Land Token” where I want to. This is Freedom with Restrictions…which by its very nature is an ambiguous definition of “Free.”

There is a very clear pattern of players bailing over the last year…some coming back to dip their toes again…and then leaving for the same reason; The. Game. Is. Boring.

I have actually reverted to KEM farming…just to know that I am playing for free, and that it is something that actually provides some value to the game.  Any value will do at this point…

There WERE some fun prizes in this event…but, the good ones were Premium…and I didn’t care at ALL about those that you earned/saved for Act III.

EA’s weird convolution of the Dystopian world of the Badlands, the whole Hellfish bit with Grandpa and Burns, and then the Water Burns bit wasn’t just lazy…it was stupid. SOOO many things that could have happened…and instead, they took three disparate concepts…with the same characters…and just made us try to make sense of it.

EA. Are you listening??

STOP with the stupid 3-act events.  They are lazy…they are boring…and they are driving players off.

I am not sure if they have lost their desire…or if they just take the die-hard fans for granted. But, it really needs to stop.

THIS IS EASY… go back to 4 week, 2-act events,MAX.  Actually give us a week with NOTHING in between…or do a short mini-update that is fun, to the point, and then moves on.  This isn’t rocket science you EALPish, silly, greedy twits…

You wanna kill the game? Then don’t do it by making the players so bored to death, that they simply leave.  We’ll be here as long as you at least TRY!
Three-Act events isn’t trying.

LISTEN to the players who apparently care more than you do.

Simple?  Yep… EAsy.

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