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Friday Filler- Finding Normal in the New Normal


Thank Grog Its Firday!

I suppose there is some mild comfort and relief from the fact that EA dropped “something to do,” on players stuck at home with “nothing to do.”  And in light of the way things are going, and the way things are being mandated at every level of government, “Nothing to Do” is going to very much be part of everyday lives for a bit…if not a long bit.

I was actually relieved myself to see something happen in our games.  And although I am rational enough to know that this Mini-update was programmed weeks ago, before the real crazy started, somebody had to make sure it got loaded to the servers, and triggered.

So…maybe Bob, the part-time EA programmer has had to give up his Pizza Delivery job during the shut-down in California, or he is actually like many of us, able to work from home.

Whatever the case…THANKS BOB (and EA).  We can use some distraction from our boredom. Right?

If I am honest, I have to admit that I may in fact be on the “Other Side” as the lines are being drawn over the whole, “THIS IS THE END OF THE WORLD- vs- CALM THE FREAK DOWN! WE’RE OVER-REACTING!!”

And the lines are not more obvious than on Social Media…
What is weirdly ironic to me, is that the ‘CrankyOldGuy” seems to be the least freaked out of anyone in the crowd.  I had the audacity to post actual figures regarding the comparison between Covid-19 and the far more common (and more deadly) Influenza. And, people freaked out. 

You Can Read My Entry on my post here.

I followed this post, with a post on FB about the fact that the media (which apparently includes every numbskull with a FB or Instagram account), continues to pump the Death Toll, and the Increasingly Horrible News from Italy, without balancing it with the HIGH NUMBER OF CASES OF RECOVERY!

First. Let me state from the top…I am not being callous about the mess in Italy, or any other place in the world.  Our hopes and prayers go out to those in Italy (including our friend Gio) who are dealing with insanely high numbers compared to the rest of the world. The fact is, if you are IN IT…then it is obviously far more serious to you than those who have not been infected.

So…why am I remaining calm, and perhaps overly pragmatic?Because we are likely dealing with our own personal infection in our family.

As many of you know, my daughter Katie, works for CBS News in New York. She, along with a number of staff at the news center in NYC, came down with symptoms late last week, and were told to “self isolate” at home. Unfortunately, the symptoms also popped up with Jake, our “almost two-year-old” grandson, and then, when he returned from a trip, to our son-in-law.  To further mitigate this as “bad news,”  my youngest daughter and her fiance, were visiting at the time, and flew back to Portland, only to be told that because of contact with Katie, they needed to “self-quarantine” as well.  And…make to things even worse, Josh, my daughter’s housemate/boyfriend is also an ER nurse, at the VA hospital that had Oregon’s first Covid-19 death.

So…yes…if anyone should be freaking out right now…and perhaps has the right…It is me.

But, I’m not.

While it is relatively early on in this overall battle to understand and eradicate this extremely virulent form of the flu (and yes…I continue to call it a very bad flu with extra options), I simply prefer to be comforted by the statistics.

I rely on a couple of web sites for the “The Real Numbers.”   I hate numbers being passed around by news organizations, or social media pinheads (who are often the same people).  I want the HARD FACTS.

If you want JUST THE FACTS… Go to
It is comforting, because the government says right on the front page…
CDC is responding to the novel coronavirus outbreak. 

Wait…didn’t anyone at the CDC think to change the headline to 2020???  Are they really on it??  hmm…maybe not so much.

Unfortunately, for many of us “in the breech” of this cannon of information and viral infection, the response for critical testing kits, to help target actual outbreaks has been, and continues to be abysmal.

Case in point… Katie, got tested last Monday…and as of today, still does not have test results, and very most likely has Covid-19.  However, they did NOT test Jake or Ryan…because there are no tests in their local facilities.  Katie got fast-tracked, because she was in contact with a “known positive” at CBS. But getting tested, and getting results in a timely fashion, are apparently completely different things. Unless you are an NBA star, or a member of Congress… But, I digress. 

Add to this, my other daughter, who works for an international eyeware company and has been all over the globe, including Italy, had all of the symptoms of Covid-19.  She lives near the hotbed of outbreaks in California. She had a bad cough, high fever near 104 degrees for 5 days, aches, pains, difficulty breathing. When she freaked out two weeks ago, and called her PCP, the doctors just told her to stay home...because they didn’t have any kits available to test her.


Because BOTH daughters exhibited “flu-like symptoms” and are on the mend.  Jake had an ear infection…but is almost “back to normal” after a week, and is helping his Dad “work from home.”

But like I said, I am a “stats guy.”  I take comfort in real information, as well as making plans that actual alleviate fear.

My other favorite site, is
It is nothing but information and data, pulled from around the world, that is kept up to date…with maps and data about the most important factors with Covid-19: Where? How Many? Deaths? Recoveries?

At first glance at the world map, things look super, super, terrifying.

But if you zoom into your own state (in my case, Oregon), things don’t look as terrifying.

But if you scroll down below the map, you will also see the raw stats…and they ALSO GIVE ME COMFORT!

These are from today…just a few minutes ago on the morning of March 20th.

It is clear that Italy is an anomaly statistically. And people are fearful that New York and other Hot Spots will resemble the “Italian Model” within two weeks. I am going to choose to believe that it will be more like China, or Korea, or even Germany.

Yes…none of this is good.  But, even this early on, LOOK AT THE NUMBERS OF THOSE WHO HAVE RECOVERED, compared to those who have died.  I am going to throw my hat in the ring of the “Recovered,” or the even greater number who simply aren’t infected at all.  


You still need to wash your hands…practice social distancing (unless you are standing in line at the grocery store waiting to pay for the one roll of toilet paper left on the shelves). And use common sense when around even small groups of people…no hugs, kisses, or other forms of congenial contact.

How am I going to deal with this mess today and in the near future?

And…I’m going to TAP…In REAL TIME (without rushing), Because Bob and the good folks at EA gave us a little gift.   And while the REAL MLB Season has been postponed, until Mid-to-Late May,  TSTO has given us some “Short Season Sizzle” with the Isotopes Opener…

THERE MAY BE ANOTHER SILVER LINING…in light of all of the storm clouds surrounding sports…at least for TSTO Players and EA.

Yes…we in Oregon are REALLY UPSET about the cancellation of March Madness. Both the Lady Ducks and Men Ducks from University of Oregon, were going to play. And seeing the ladies, with a player who is arguably the best all-around basketball player in the country, Sabrina Ionesco, have to go through the anguish of losing her mentor and friend, Kobe Bryant, and then lose her chance play for the championship, and have to settle for a final season rating of #2, is heartbreaking.

People without their sports, are losing their Sh#T!  with so much of who they are, invested in the teams they support. But, here’s the “silver lining,”  Sports freaks are going to need an outlet.  And watching re-runs of March Madness, MLB, and Golf just aren’t going to cut it.  They are going to turn to PLAYING their favorite sports virtually.  And who is the Number One Sports Game Designer in the World?  Arguably…EA. 

My guess…is that Bob just got brought on full time again…and that TSTO, with all of the shut-ins now looking for entertainment, may become relevant once again.

Man. I really am turning into a “Half Glass Full” kinda guy… The BLISS-NINNY VIRUS IS IN ME!!!

OK… that’s all from here.

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