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TSTO Teaser: Update Ahead?


Hey Howdy Hey Tappers!

Happy Saturday!  I hope you’re spending the day productively, as productively as you can these days.  We spent our morning cleaning the house from top to bottom, even the kiddos got in on the dusting and mopping.  Good family fun lol, but at least the house is clean! (for now)

Anyway, earlier today The Simpsons released a little TSTO teaser their Instagram page…

Looks like wrestling is on its way to TSTO…at least according to the Insta post. We have not received any info from EA on this, and there’s nothing to download at the moment.  So my guess is this is a look ahead at what’s coming this week, something to keep our quarantined minds busy!

Thoughts on a Wrestle Mania event?  What would you like to see?  Do you also think this graphic is just WRONG?! Sound off below…

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