Site icon The Simpsons Tapped Out Addicts

Are You A Homer Simpson or A Ned Flanders Kinda Neighbor?


The more you play TSTO the more you start to realize that visiting your neighbors and tapping their buildings doesn’t just earn you Cash/Tickets and XP it also helps (or hurts) your neighbor as well.

So You Wanna Be A Flanders Huh?
If you really want to help your friends the most you should tap on the buildings that take the longest time to generate income (ie: Burns Manor, Duff Stadium, Mt. Krustmore etc). Why you ask? Because tapping on these buildings restarts the earning clock on that building. So now when they get back to their own town they can collect the previous cash on the building AND have the clock already progressed into the next income cycle!

Also, if you see any dead crops in your friend’s town you might want to show them your green thumb and tap away. Tapping dead crops not only brings them back to life for your friend, but it also generates cash and XP for you!

To Homer or Not to Homer?
Some of the buildings in TSTO do not generate income (Town Hall, MOE’s Tavern, Police Station & Springfield Elementary). When you visit your neighbors town these will either have a Spray Can Over them or a Mop. While either action generates cash & XP for you, think before you vandalize. Vandalizing your neighbor’s buildings can negatively change their righteousness rating, it can also impact yours! However, cleaning graffiti off of a building will positively change both yours and your neighbor’s righteousness rating.

Whomever you decide to be, put a little thought into it and choose wisely!

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